DRAMA DAY MESSAGE TITLE: STOP THE MARAH TEXT: EXODUS 15:23; RUTH 1:20, 21, 11KINGS 2:19-22 INTRODUCTION: We are grateful to God Almighty who has been looking after us day after day and also given message to us to be preaching as Drama Ministers of our time. We say thank you faithful father. Last year was a moment of supernatural refreshment with ministration entitled “The Missing Sign”. Of course, again, master has saddled us with another ministration with a focus “Stop the Marah”. However, the concept of marah; the meaning, biblical examples of people that drank marah, causes and consequences of marah shall be considered in the course of ministration. WHAT THEN IS MARAH? Marah cold be likened to as anything unpleasant; bitter experience, disaster, and even hardship. In other words, it could be seen as a taste of sorrowful experience tasted by a community or an individual as a result of misdeed committed by them or emanated from their forefathers, meaning that marah could be generational in operating. Often time, whenever a life is seen as an unproductive or producing bitterness instead of sweetness no doubts that that life is indeed languishing in the stream of marah. Meanwhile, a life in the stream marah cannot experience permanent rest, success, victory, etc. On this note, we can therefore define a marah – life as a rejected life or accursed life by God (Cain was a typical example in Genesis 4:9-13). BIBLICAL EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE WHO HAD THE TASTE OF MARAH The following people were among several ones that had the taste of marah in scriptures. They are as follows; Adam and Eve, Cain, Naomi and her family, king Saul and his lineage, Eli and sons, only daughter of Jacob(Dinah), Jonah, Gehazi, and Judas Iscariot. CAUSES OF MARAH 1. Disobedience to God’s instruction (Gen.3:1-8, 1Sam.15:1-12, Jonah1:1-8). 2. Forsaking God’s land to forbidden land (Jonah1:1-3, Ruth1:1-3). 3. Covetousness (11Kings 5:20-27, Luke22:1-7). 4. Pride (Numbers 16:1-33). 5. Wickedness of men(Gen.4:1:13) THE MOVE TO STOP THE MARAH So far it is not part of original plan of God for humanity to smell marah let alone of taste it. It is then apparent that man himself is the one inviting marah in his daily quest. However, the only remedy in stopping the marah is via His dearly begotten son (Jesus). Invite Jesus Christ today and never invite marah any longer. This is only reason why Jesus manifests (1John3:8; John10:10). Finally, add it to your quest today that marah must stop. Remember beloved, that His thought toward you is thought of good and not of marah (Jer.29:11). GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY AND HAPPY DRAMA DAY-GBADEGESIN SUNDAY
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:29:21 +0000

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