Daddy, Each day seems a little bit harder. The nights are the - TopicsExpress


Daddy, Each day seems a little bit harder. The nights are the worst. You didnt have to step in and be my daddy when my real dad didnt want anything to do with me. You didnt have to attend every basketball,soccer, and softball game or come watch me cheer. You didnt have to tuck me into bed every night even after you and mommy got divorced. You didnt have to be so understanding when I was a bratty teenager. You were my whole world and I forgot to tell you that. I was too busy being mad at you for stupid things and not living in the moment. I regret not spending every moment I could with you. Id give anything to hug you one more time. Id give anything to tell you how proud I am of you. Even when heart problems began to consume your life, you still stayed strong and took care of my papaw. You may have complained about it, but you did what any child should do for their parent who is ill. I love you daddy. I know you are probably up in heaven laughing at how sappy I am, but this is what happens when I actually show my emotions. Tell Izzy and Greg I miss them like crazy. Give grandma a hug and kiss for me. I know youll help me get through this.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:37:17 +0000

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