Daily Devotionals Be a Maximizer! Most people, it seems, fall - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotionals Be a Maximizer! Most people, it seems, fall into one of three broad groups when it comes to their level of dedication and initiative, their work ethic and how much they are capable to. accomplish. These three groups are the minimizers, the maintainers and the maximizers. Minimizers do as little as they can get away with, and maintainers do only what is needed to maintain the status quo, but maximizers are ready and willing to go the distance; they are focused on moving closer to their goal, even though they know it will cost them. in time and energy. Maximizers are the cream of the crop. They take initiative, are proactive, are the first to respond to a need or adapt to changing circumstances and give their best at whatever they do. It comes as no surprise, then, that maximizers are generally more successful than their less committed counterparts. There is no simple formula for. becoming a maximizer, but there are some basic principles that apply almost universally. 1). Put in the hours: Maximizers do not watch the clock. To be maximizers, we must be willing to work long and hard, within reasonable limits and sometimes do so in less-than-ideal conditions. Ancient Israel’s King. Solomon, who was himself a maximizer when it came to things. as varied as his building projects, pursuing wisdom and (perhaps less. wisely) acquiring wives and. concubines, put it this way: “Lazy. people want much but get little, while the diligent are prospering,”. and, “The lazy man will not plow. because of winter; (therefore) he. will beg during harvest and have nothing.” Finding a balance is essential. The goal is not to become a work-aholic, but if we want the maximum results from any venture, it stands t o reason that we need to put in more than a minimum of work. 2). Have a good work ethic and self-discipline: Cultivating a good work ethic, good work habits and self-discipline are. all crucial to becoming a maximizer. We should look for opportunities to renew our commitment to excellence through constantly. challenging ourselves to stretch and grow. Good work habits include such things as planning ahead, wisely delegating, prioritizing, learning. from mistakes and remaining flexible. Maximizers have a purpose. They are driven to accomplish something beyond the norm and they realize that to be successful at it they need to make sacrifices. 3). Share the load: Maximizers work hard, but they are wise enough to know that their own efforts alone will never achieve the maximum results possible and they are humble enough to solicit the help of others. They see the potential in others, delegate what they can, and inspire their co-workers to strive to be maximizers too. And if they are really smart, they also share the load with God by involving Him at every step in the. endeavour, knowing that the inspiration, insight and strength He. can add will get them much farther than they could ever get on their. own. They believe in the power of prayer and understand that God can help. them reach their objective, even and especially when circumstances are beyond their control. They ask for His blessing at every turn, follow His lead and depend on Him to do what they can not do. 4). Abandon the comfort zones: Being a maximizer involves some discomfort. If we continue to do only the things we have always done, the way we have always done them, we can not expect greater results. To accomplish more, we need to reach farther or in new directions; we need to pursue new ideas and develop new strengths and abilities. It is easy to settle into a routine or to rest on one’s accomplishments, but the maximizer is always on the l ookout for a new challenge, a new opportunity and new ways to break out of the mold. When he finds one, he goes for it. 5). Be a team player: The maximizer looks for ways to serve the common good, to not only. accomplish his own work, but also to help others on his team. accomplish theirs. He knows that by giving in this way he is building. team spirit, which will. maximize. his own efforts in the long run and cause others to be more willing to help him when he needs it. 6). Stay strong: Good health and being free from stress make you more productive, so taking time to take care of yourself is a good investment. Eat well, sleep well, exercise and take time to relax and reflect. 7). Thank God for the good: Even if you do your best to follow the maximizer’s creed of giving your best, you can not necessarily. expect huge results right from the start; but you can expect to make. progress. Focus on and be thankful for the gains, rather than dwelling on what there is left to do. — Colossians 3:23NIV-Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. 2 Timothy 2:15ESV-Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25ESV-Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 12:40:08 +0000

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