Daily Fountain Tuesday, 2014-01-28 Bible Passage: Psalm - TopicsExpress


Daily Fountain Tuesday, 2014-01-28 Bible Passage: Psalm 21:1-11 Topic: What Makes Life worth Living? The deer is in hot and dry places, and naturally pants after water brooks especially in the dry season. David used this to describe how much he longed for God and His word when He was banished from Jerusalem and He longed to be back to worship God. Although air, food and water are essential for life, David realised that life is worthless if it doesn’t include communion with God which alone brings real satisfaction. God alone has the bread of life and the living water. His spirit quickens and sanctifies our hearts. How is your love and desire for God? What is the object of your desire? What are you going to pursue today as you leave your room- wealth, power, authority, women, men, God? Blessed is he who seeks after God, for when he finds Him, his life is complete. Life doesn’t consist of the abundance of things- certificate, children, good education etc. if you go after these, and neglect your need for God, you will be separated from God. Jesus taught that we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness… (Matt. 6:33). How is your life? Do you feel empty, and separated from God? Search the scriptures, pray and attend fellowship. When you find Him, you will find satisfaction, fulfilment and rest for your soul. The worthy life is that which takes the worship of God seriously. Prayer: Make my life a worthy life O Lord, and enable me grow in my fellowship with you.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 07:23:02 +0000

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