Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, July 23rd We need to push past our - TopicsExpress


Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, July 23rd We need to push past our personal desires today so we can focus on the realms of community and humanity. The greater good is of higher concern now that the Moon is visiting conceptual Aquarius. Although we’re comfortable in the world of thought, we might seem emotionally distant from others. Nevertheless, we must make choices about what we like and what we don’t like while resourceful Venus is moving through analytical Virgo until August 16. Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19) You might be quite distracted from the emotional issues that have been building over the last few weeks. There is much to say, but you can’t bring yourself to say it. Lately, you are more concerned about what others think of you, so you often change the subject to something less threatening. Get together with trusted friends and share what’s weighing on your heart. Receiving their support will be well worth the risk of revealing your feelings. Nothing ventured; nothing gained. Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20) You want to be acknowledged for your unflappable behavior, but even if people say wonderful things about you now, you might not be open to what you are hearing. It’s important to be actively engaged with those around you; if praise comes your way, smile and say thank you. Don’t deflect the positive support because of your temporary insecurity or low self-esteem. On the other hand, don’t go fishing for compliments; they mean a lot more when they’re unsolicited. Be the friend you want to have and focus your attention on the happiness of others. Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20) New opportunities create alternatives today as you think about all the future possibilities waiting for you. Even if you’re still feeling stressed out, the potential for change is improving day by day. But don’t expect circumstances to suddenly transform. Rather, the dreams you hold on to now will begin to take shape gradually. Think big, but try not to be too disappointed if everything takes some time yet to manifest. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Cancer Horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22) You may go through a weird phase this week as you attempt to distance yourself from your feelings in order to cope with what’s happening. Although this sounds difficult, gaining perspective can be quite helpful. Relationships might be easier than they have been for a while, since your current emotional detachment enables you to enjoy yourself without being overwhelmed. Be aware of your desires, but don’t spread them out on the table for others to see. Give yourself time to sort things out before you share them with anyone else. Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22) You roar with all the intent of the Lion or Lioness, but others may react to you now in ways you don’t expect. The high tension between your will and the emotional response that you elicit today might anger you if you can’t have your way. But don’t follow your temptation to turn this into a full-blown argument. If you do, there won’t be a winner. Call on your inner patience today because you’ll most likely achieve your goals if you can wait long enough for others to come around to your point of view. Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Your ideas may be worth more than anyone perceives, but it’s difficult to get your concepts across at this time. If you are misinterpreted, your tendency now is to inflate your cleverness in an attempt to convince others of your intellectual merit. But the more you say, the less they understand. Loosening the reins of control prevents problems from developing later on. Your best tactic is to communicate as little as possible and let the day take its own course, without feeling the need to control where it leads. Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22) You have lots of energy today to put toward creating enjoyment for you and those around you. You could choose to have a party since that would fulfill your need for spending time with your friends in a spontaneous manner. Also, your creative juices are flowing, so if there’s a project you’ve been putting off, today is the day to get it off the ground. He who hesitates is lost. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Processing your emotions may be tricky if it seems that you have nowhere to go with your feelings. If you express them honestly, you won’t improve your current situation. However, if you try to bury them, you’ll only make matters even worse. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution; simply steer clear of blame. Acknowledge what you’re feeling, but don’t attempt to describe the cause. If you stay in the present moment and remember to be kind, then a difficult situation can magically transform into a beautiful encounter. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Today has all the earmarks of a highly busy day, complete with unusual social encounters. Although you may be looking for meaning as much as you are seeking a good time, the emphasis is on turning your day into an adventure. Of course, you’re nearly always up for a good adventure. However, problems arise if you make too much out of a minor event. If you’re going to the beach for a swim, don’t try to turn it into a Caribbean pleasure cruise. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Even if the emotional turmoil has started to calm down, you still might be embroiled in a bit of a power struggle that upsets you. Unfortunately, you can easily express your frustration at the wrong target, which doesn’t necessarily help you to regain your sense of balance. Instead of focusing on a current situation, look ahead to next week and do whatever you need in order to carry out your long-term commitments. Keeping your eyes on the future gives you the confidence motivation to successfully handle the current situation. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18) A close family member or a good friend may be the source of temporary trouble for you now. You feel like you haven’t done anything wrong, but someone still could get angry with you for no apparent reason. You might even see the black cloud coming and try to stop the oncoming storm, but to no avail. Don’t take it all too seriously, for the drama seems so much more important than it really is. Let the emotional barrage roll off you like water off a duck’s back. No worries; the sun will come out tomorrow. Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20) You can drift off into your own fantasy-land these days, but escape might not be such a bad thing now. Others get on your case and try to make you see the folly of your ways but you know there’s treasure to be discovered. Thankfully, there is no harm from taking your little mental holiday as long as you remember the difference between reality and your imagination. Embark on your journey, but make certain you’re back in time to do your chores.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 16:49:02 +0000

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