Daily morning routine: 1. Wake up, pet the dog who has hogged the - TopicsExpress


Daily morning routine: 1. Wake up, pet the dog who has hogged the entire bed. 2. Slip into my bath robe/sweat pants and lumber jacket that I leave laid out beside the bed. 3. Turn up the heat to a respectable 65 degrees. 4. Feed said dog (who promptly goes back to sleep). 4. Coffee! In the case of weekends, tainted with a bit of vodka*g*. 5. Wash eye boogers out. 6. Ponder life and what I want to do today. 7. Say a prayer to God that Im grateful for another day. 8. Plop my ass into the Lazy Boy and sip previously mentioned coffee. 9. Enjoy a nice aromatic blend of pipe tabacoco while sipping vodka enhanced coffee. 10. Whatcha the fire place heat up. 11. Slowly wake up and ponder what I may or may not wanna accomplish today. 12. Turn on tv and see if my DVR recorded anything worth watching. 13. Slowly ponder whats for breakfast (feel like eggs, beans in a tortilla shell this morning. 14. Kick dog off bed and make it while wondering if I feel up to doing laundry today. 15. Check email. 16. Drink more coffee. 17. Pull up a mental replay of what I did yesterday (I getting old.... These things are necessary*g*. 18. Let pup outside to do her business. 19. Look at fire place again and relax. 20. Take all my ms pills (no, you dont wanna attempt that upon first waking up, trust me. 21. Put in contacts. 22. See fireplace in focus. 23. Stretch, yawn and do other bodily routines. 24. Go wake up said puppy and get her all excited by the word potty? 25. More coffee. 26. M ale sure all electronic devices are fully charged. 27. Finish pipe and see just how many apps I downloaded while groggy last night (imam rather bad at that when its late and Im bored and tired... infinity Blade is amazing!!! Also work some more through Bards Tale... My good friend Brian Fargo made it, and the damn thing is funny as hell and addictive. 28. Well, there is no 28... I wing it from there LOL. Yall have a great day!!! :-)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 15:12:22 +0000

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