Danes- 17. Novembra praznujemo prav poseben dan. Danes je - TopicsExpress



Danes- 17. Novembra praznujemo prav poseben dan. Danes je MEDNARODNI DAN DIJAKOV IN ŠTUDENTOV ! Ta dan smo začeli obeleževari leta 1939 ko so nacisti vdrli na eno od Univerz v Pragi v takratni ČeškoSlovaški in več kot 1200 študentov odpeljali v koncentracijska taborišča, šolske prostore pa uporabili za svoje. Kasneje so se študentski aktivisti zbrali v Londonu in 17. November razglasili za mednarodni dan študentov (pri nas poznan tudi kot mednarodni dan dijakov). Na ta dan so se kasneje odvijali številni pomembni dogodki ter razne demonstracije dijakov in študentov po vsem svetu. V DOS smo z namenom ozaveščanja o tem dnevu posneli kratek video, kaj si želimo za ta dan. To je naš dan- bodi del tudi TI! November 17th is seen worldwide as the International Students Day because on this day in 1939 the Czechoslovakian students fell victim to the Nazis. On 17 November 1939 the Nazis stormed the dormitories of the University in Prague. More than 1200 students were send to concentration camps, 9 student representatives were executed on the spot, the university was shut down and the buildings were used by the German occupation forces. Students from all Europe fled to London and there the International Students Council, in accordance with the allies, declared 17 November as the International Students Day. Since then 17 November has marked important student events all over the world. We made a short video, what we want for students all over the world. Today is our day - be the part of it !
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 14:10:37 +0000

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