Daniel Valerio is my Tuesday tribute plw Warning! Graphic - TopicsExpress


Daniel Valerio is my Tuesday tribute plw Warning! Graphic details. Daniel and his brother Benjamin had suffered terribly at the hands of Paul Leslie Aiton (mothers boyfriend), while the woman who gave birth to them, Cheryle Butcher, stood by and allowed it to happen. Unfortunately, Paul and Cheryle were not the ONLY ones to fail this little boy. In all, 21 professional people saw what was being done to Daniel and nothing was done to stop him from dying. Daniel was described as ghostly pale and bruised. He died with over 104 bruises on his little body, two broken collarbones and crushed internal organs which doctors said resembled those who had been in car accident. Paul Aiton bragged at work about the abuse of Daniel and Benjamin. He said, he often hit the kids with a stick. Paul admitted that he didnt like Cheryles children and especially didnt like Daniel. Paul told of how he would throw the child against the wall so he could watch him slide down, punch him hard enough to make his own knuckles hurt and how, if Daniel peed in the tube, he would hit his penis with a wooden spoon. Paul bragged to his coworkers about how he had one time forced Daniels face into a pile of feces and how one time he came home to find Cheryl had made a list of things the children had done wrong that day and he went to Daniels room, picked him up by his hair and clothing and dropped him face first on to the floor. One of Pauls co-workers said Paul had bragged once to him about his treatment of Daniel: I got my son to do a star last night. When Rink De Vries asked what that meant Paul explained that he made Daniel stand with his arms and legs apart like he would to do star jumps and Paul added that he then kicked Daniel between his legs and he flew across the room. Paul would also make the children stand for up to 15 minutes at a time with their hands in the air as punishment. Daniel once had to do this as Paul stood behind him yelling each time Daniel started to put his arms down. On his final day, Daniel was slapped in the face and punched repeatedly in his stomach. He passed away later of the day :( angelizdsplace/child222.htm
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:59:13 +0000

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