Dated: August 15, 2014 Today I would like to say that our 62nd - TopicsExpress


Dated: August 15, 2014 Today I would like to say that our 62nd post is from Saint, Pope John Paul II I asked Pope John Paul II to come in to talk to us today about this war and how this world is getting in the short time that hes been gone. I am that age that I can remember watching him become Pope on 10-16-1978 and I also remember watching his funeral for days, starting on 4-2-2005 and seeing huge masses of people walking by his body wanting to see him one last time and giving him their love and appreciation. I loved watching him during his years, visiting and showing love and compassion for everyone he met with a smile and usually a kiss or a touch or a sign of the cross. I read that he is considered The vocal advocate for human rights, and his motto is...Totally yours. I know that I felt that he was mine, my Pope, my representative of my God on this earth and my teacher to what we want this world to learn and be. I miss him, but I know that he knows how much we all loved him then and still love him now. Saint, Pope John Paul II. I am excited and sad to a point to have to come in for this subject that Im coming in for. I dont understand what has happened to mankind in the years since Ive left this earth and I dont know completely how to change the mentality. I know what I want to do, I know what this world needs to do, but to get everyone to collaborate with each other is a different story totally. Its so sad to me to see that our world can be so violent and demeaning to each other. I just completely dont understand whats going through their minds or their hearts. Because we are a loving people, we are amazing in every way possible. How our mind works, how our bodies work, how our soul comes in and gives us life and our soul leaves to take it. We have so much destruction and disparities that are going on and this world cant continue how it is. It is so sad to all of us, because we know how happy and loving and courageous all of you can be and so many of you would give of yourselves for your children or your spouse or other loved ones to help them with any struggles that they have to go through and you would change that if you could. But in so many respects, of course you cannot. But when it comes to something like this war or other wars going on where you could stop this easily, you could just say no, agree to disagree or every one come in and decide on a better way to do things without killing, without destruction. You know thats the right way to do it, but you decided that you will take Gods role and destroy and kill and leave total destruction everywhere you go. I cannot continue to totally feel sorry for these people, because you have to understand that even through some evil or discord may be in the people that are making the decisions, that you do not totally have to follow that. You can rise up and use your own mind and your own consciousness to say weve had enough and this world cant continue to destroy itself. There are so many negative, completely false captains and soldiers that are doing even more destruction than normally would happen, that are going above and beyond what their commanders and generals, kings and anyone else in command would say and cause more and more violent acts that werent necessary by any means. We are all completely saddened to every part of this and we have to want better, we have to make better. I understand that some people are afraid to reach out or make the changes, because those same commanders or kings (so called) would have you killed as well. Because all theyre concerned about is being able to fulfill what they want done, their selfishness, their righteous beliefs (so called) and not take anyones life into consideration for any part of what theyve tried to make happen. So we have to know that they dont have the best thoughts in mind and make more diversities and less possibilities happen. They are on an ego trip (so to speak) and cannot in the least think about how many soldiers or innocent people that get killed in their endeavors. They just know they want whatever done, they want to accomplish this feat and regardless of how many souls or innocent people it takes to get what they want, thats what has to happen. They just selfishly consider that part of the endeavor to, to...this is just considered the casualties of war and if that gets them what they be it. This is uncalled for, this is un-necessary and this is something that has to change. Because we have to think of the welfare of everyone on this planet and not just for the outcome of the decisions that are made. Im saddened with every part of these wars and every part of mentality, if these (so called) evil people that have the mentality that some of those have, but Im hoping for better. We need to all concentrate, we need to all come together and be one in this world and not only take care of this planet, but take care of each other as we would want someone to take care of us. We need to decide how were going to do this, but know that it can happen and it can start with everyone of you making the decision to be just, just a little better in whatever you do. Having a touch more patience with everyone in your life, maybe using a little less harsh chemicals and taking care of or picking up debris. This slightest little thing that you can do for the better will make all the difference to save this world and to change it from all this negative thats going on to all the positive that we can possibly handle. It can be such a wonderful, wonderful place. We dont have to be starving, we dont have to be wanting and needing, we can have everything we can possibly desire. You have to know that it starts here, it starts at home, it starts in your heart and soul. If theres negative in your heart, change it, want better. Try to be more of a positive person, try to give your families, your children, your wife, your husband the love and the generosity that they deserve. Remember there was a reason that you started to love each other, there was something special. There was appreciation, there was a fondness, there was a love that bound you and we understand sometimes things change, but you cant continue to take advantage, use and manipulate. Im not saying all of you do this, but Im saying most of you are in that situation some how, where youre either doing it or someones doing it to you. I want you to be the person that you were meant to be, I want you to love other people, I want you to care for other people. I want you to try to understand and Im not saying everyone has to get along, but you dont have to be defiant and negative and over-bearing. If you dont get along with someone then try not to spend much time with them, try to be as understanding as you possibly can and dont let them rule or run your life. Be the independent person that you can be, somewhere out there theres somewhere that you belong. If youre in a situation that has complete negative, then maybe if the situation calls for it, maybe you need to find somewhere where you can be happy. I think this is a wonderful world and all my people are as sincere and loving as they can be, but you need to release the heart-aches and the hurt feelings and you need to think of it with love and understanding and therefore try to change for the better and when most of us can have a little lighter, happier outlook on this world, that change will happen. It will become the change we need to go into the next realm and after that we will co-operate, we will love each other, we will love ourselves and be exactly what our Father wants us to be. You have to know we are part of him, we are his children and thereby giving us the option to accept his love and his understanding and his generosity. He has given us truly everything we need to survive in this world and in Heaven and how could we possibly not love him for that and everything else that he is trying and giving all the time to us. I cannot imagine a more beautiful, beautiful situation, I cannot imagine a life any different then what we have. I know theres many things that you dont understand, but once we all go to Heaven, we understand and agree to every decision our Father has made. There are reasons for everything and every consideration, every promise, every endeavor that is made, is made with complete love. I am so pleased and privileged to be called a Saint, you have absolutely no idea how honored and grateful that I am to be here today and talk with all of you and ask you to give it a chance. Decide in your minds to do this like I mentioned, just a little change each one of us, as many as possible. Just a little change and we can have everything we want. Paradise is awaiting us and if we just make the effort, we can have it. You have to understand...Jesus when he was born came back to help this earth and it was a glorious time, it was amazing to know that our Father loved us so much that he would send his only begotten son to help save this world from total destruction and at that point the world had changed, most of what we had then had changed for the better. Peoples minds understood that God wanted better for us and that would happen until negative would decide to use that situation and change it for the worse again. So many of you have turned away from our Father, from our Lord, from us and feel that some of the Saints or Masters even God himself didnt exist. Because of these adversities that they had used, they were able to manipulate many people into believing (for instance) why would God let this happen to his son and the answer would save all of us. He knew his son would be in glory again and thats what they needed to prove to all of us that he was willing to sacrifice to save us. Our Lord sacrificed everything he has and went through every bit of strife he had, to accept the most tremendous pain and torture that he could possibly go through and ask our Father to forgive us and not destroy this planet for the tremendous and demeaning and torturous death that he had. But as things played out, you see with every scripture and every part of our being, we know that our Lord lives and evil could not take advantage and take over this world completely, take over our Lord in any ways or means. Evil has absolutely no footing (so to speak) in the lives of any of us or any of you on earth that believe. I truly dont feel that our Fathers rules although some have been stretched or changed to the fact that maybe hes not as stringent as he used to be. But know there are some rules that still hold as firm back then as they do now, but I dont believe that these rules are unnecessary in any circumstance what so ever. You have to have rules to regulate many people that would not go in accordance with any situation that was put forth in front of them. Our Father loves us so much that he is willing to accept many disparities with the thinking of some people and the actions of some people and as long as they love him and want to be with him, then know that they will be in Heaven and be in glory for eternity. There isnt an end to anything that has love in its heart, we want to see people happy and we want to see them in accordance with everything thats good. So were excited about knowing of a change coming and it will come, we are working hard to make this situation happen and I am hoping it comes sooner them later. We need a few more things to fall into place and at that point you will start seeing more and more proof of our Father wanting this for us and making it known to people on this earth that it can happen. We are going to be so glorious and we are going to be so proud of ourselves for every single aspect that we put into this. I know it seems impossible but when our Lord came in to this earth, things seemed that way as well and they had changed for the better until adversity decided to show its face. So know that we have the possibility and we see the outcome, but there still is the fact that things can change because we still have free will and with free will everyone can truly do as they please and for the most part theres not a lot that Heaven can do to stop that. So Im asking you to use your free will to make this world better. I love you all so much and I want to thank you for taking care of me and honoring me so completely during my disillusion back into Heaven. You are everything I could of dreamt you would be and you gave me so much love and understanding and my mourning was so honorably given and un-imaginable. In my mind I am so completely honored and truly was in dis-belief for the amount of people that were saddened with my death. But you have to know that it was (for me) glorious, I came to Heaven and was so honored by everyone here as well and me being made a Saint was another honor that I could barely imagine and such a fast passover into my new situation, a new chair (so to speak) that Im in now. I am so in love with all of you and I am here whenever any of you want me, talk of me, need me, I am here for you. I will do whatever I can to help you in every aspect of my being, I am able to do everything the other Saints and Masters can do as well. I can heal, I can love, I can give you support, I can do anything you need me to do to help you go on your path and lead your life. Dont categorize me in any situation because I can do anything that you need me to do and if they should categorize me as something in particular, dont forget that no matter what you ask, it can be done and I dont have to necessarily stick with my categorization. I have never been so proud in my life as with the amount of people that not only showed up, but honored me in every way possible upon my death and know that I seen everything and I have got no words to say. Even I am speechless with the out-pouring of love given me and I will not (in the very least) forget, I will carry this on in my heart forever and eternity is a amazingly long time. This is Pope John Paul the second, you will be in my hearts forever and I want you to know that my love carries on for at least that amount of time, if not longer. I will be here for you forever as well. My love always...Your Pope and now Saint John Paul II, thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:43:07 +0000

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