Daughters of the King Delegate “If thou shalt do this thing, - TopicsExpress


Daughters of the King Delegate “If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace.” Exodus 18:23 If you have found your God given purpose but seem too tired, distracted, or busy to effectively fulfill that purpose, you may learn a good lesson from reading the story of Moses when He was put in charge of the children of Israel. As your responsibilities grow, more and more is required of you in handling Kingdom business or your job. Before demands increase any further, you must learn to delegate, especially if you are already at a mental, emotional, and physical breaking point. Remember for Moses to really be effective, he had to give up some of his responsibilities to other capable leaders. While you may say, “I am a stay at home mom. It’s my job to do everything at home with the kids and please my husband.” It’s ok to have a trusted friend, a family member, oh my goodness a babysitter a couple of hours out the day so that you can be the most effective woman of God He has called you to be! Prayer: Lord You said knock and the door shall be opened. You said to ask and you would answer me. Lord I pray that You give me the wisdom and discernment to do whatever tasks or duties that are set before me. Help me Lord know what responsibilities I need to give to You or to someone else. Lord surround me with people that are life giving and not life draining. Help me Lord this day to be productive. Restore and refresh me throughout the day as I spend time in Your presence. In Jesus name amen! (Read Exodus 18:14-25)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 10:06:02 +0000

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