Dave Brandow I have worked in many senior citizens homes, you - TopicsExpress


Dave Brandow I have worked in many senior citizens homes, you would be shocked at how many can not afford their medications. Many decide between their groceries and meds, they are forced to cut their meds in half. Meanwhile our government blows billions of dollars overseas for countries that dont even like us. Do you have any idea of the poverty right here in America??????? Any aid to another country should consist of food not bombs, medicine not tanks, tractors to grow food not war planes, shelter not cash!!!! We need to stop feeding the worlds war machine! We need to close our borders, terrorist will not fly in on airplanes, they will run across our unprotected borders! Bring our soldiers home, put them on border patrol! It is past time for our politicians to WAKE UP and start serving the working people in this country they have been elected to serve. They need to be on the same social security program the rest of us are on, then social security will receive proper funding. They need to be on the same health care program the rest of us are on. Only when they feel the pain of the working class American will things improve!!!! Im concerned when I see such unrest! A million bikers, our veterans, and truckers heading to Washington......Our leaders need to take this as a warning........ Americans, the working class people have had enough!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:02:30 +0000

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