David Wrote: Prayerful Memories of Dad We come before you - TopicsExpress


David Wrote: Prayerful Memories of Dad We come before you Father today to remember our Earthly Husband, Dad, Father-in-law, Grandfather, Great Grandfather and Friend – Don Sullivan! Your are worthy O Lord to receive glory, honor and power; for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created.” Rev 4:11 We know that if You have the power to create - You also have the power to re-create! That is our hope that we have for Dad! That we will see him again in Your Kingdom! What is it that gives a young man that came from a broken home, a vision of living a life that isnt just living for the selfish impulses that each one of us have on this earth, in our human condition? Except that Your Spirit was working in his life and You were using spiritual mentors to influence him! You have caused him to mount up with wings of eagles and ride the heights of the earth. Who could have imagined, at a young age – the countries, places and things a young couple, with not many riches of this world, would see in their lifetime, because they heard your call, O Lord? You caused them to see many countries, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and many countries in Europe. On top of that You allowed them to travel in most of the States in the USA! They also got to mix and learn from many of your people from a number of cultures! But most of all you have allowed Dad and Mom to work where their hearts were and that is in their work for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church! What we will miss most about Dad is the spiritual concern he had for each one of us! If we had you knowledge, Lord, we would know how many people he has prayed with and for during his life. We know his prayers have touched many people! You made me aware of this recently when Mom was reading a card from one of my Cousins that I haven’t seen for many years. She mentioned that she would miss his prayers with her on the phone. What a blessing Dad has been! There are two laws mentioned in Your Word that stand out: “The law of sin and death” and “The law of liberty.” As long as we are doing what our human condition cries out for – there is little conflict in our minds but to just follow our impulses. Your Word tells us that this leads to eternal death. Many don’t understand how the “law of liberty” liberates us from anything because it is based on the Ten Commandments that have many, “Thou Shalt Not’s.” If we surrender to You and study we will understand that they are based on Your character of love. They are promises of what it will be like if we have love for You and our neighbors, a love that only You can put there! This leads to liberty from death and into eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord! Dad understood that only as he loved Jesus and admired His character that these laws lost their drudgery and instead truly became what he wanted us to be like! However along with Paul dad must of cried out to You at times, “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Rom 7:24 Many have questioned, Father, why is there still conflict between the “law of sin and death” and the “law of liberty” after we accept Jesus Christ into our lives? Thank you Lord, that Paul answered the question, “I thank God, though Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin.” I thank You, our God, that this conflict is now over for Dad but he is now resting in what Jesus has done for him and in him. Dad has “fought the good fight, he has finished the race and has kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for him the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the Righteous Judge, will give him on that Day, and not only him but also to all who have loved his appearing.” II Tim 4:7-8 Now we rest on the thought that you will mark the spot where his ashes will be buried and guard that place until your appearing! We believe Lord, this text was written for those that are waiting at this time for Jesus to appear: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on, Yes says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works follow them.” Rev 14:13 I pray that each one of us will be influenced by Dad’s work and spurred on by the Spirit to good works that will lead us to Your Kingdom! Even though the good works don’t save us, they are proof that we have lived a changed life after we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord! Thank your for the opportunity to be my dad’s legacy, His Good Works by Your Grace! We offer this prayer in Jesus Name, the Name above all names! Amen… Love David…
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:13:09 +0000

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