Day 10: This is kind of a Im thankful and a nostalgic post at - TopicsExpress


Day 10: This is kind of a Im thankful and a nostalgic post at the same time. I am thankful for the last couple years. Today I turn 24. My last couple years have taught me so much. When I was 22, I thought I had it all. I was 5 years into a relationship with my first real love. I had a well paying, steady job that I had been at for years. All of my bills were paid and I did not know what debt was. I had a new apartment full of nice things. I had a brand new car. I had a million true friends. I knew what life was about. Or so I thought. Then here comes year 23. It started by me ending a six year relationship. Then I left that job I had been at for years. I started to fall behind on bills. My apartment didnt feel like a home. I found a new love, a love that I had never been shown, and fell hard, fast. That didnt work out. I was hurt, but I learned, grew, and moved on. Then I totalled my brand new car. My world seemed to be falling apart. I was living a life I had never lived. I completely lost myself and few of my true friends helped me find my way back. I had no idea what life was about. Towards the end of my 23rd year I started to understand a lot about life. Everything I had previously lived for seemed so unimportant when compared to what Ive now been taught. Life isnt about your job, how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, what kind of clothes you wear, how many friends you have, or anything of that extent. Coming into year 24, I now know that life is about doing whatever makes you happy. Its about the people who make you happy everyday. The people whove seen you at your best and can handle you and still love you at your worst. Its about knowing who your true friends are, the ones who will help you up when you fall. Its about making mistakes and learning from them. Its about family. Its about the enjoying the little things, but still knowing there is a bigger picture. All I can say is life has beat me down and Ive stood back up, better and stronger than I have ever been. Bring on year 24!!!! Sidenote → that huge story is also the reason I have my tattoo that my mother hates so much. You have to fall before you can fly. Fits well. And I cant believe Im 24. Ew.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 07:06:53 +0000

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