Day 11 of 30 Days of Lindy Wise: At this point, you might asking - TopicsExpress


Day 11 of 30 Days of Lindy Wise: At this point, you might asking -- can he keep this going? Yes. Yes I can. And I will. Because my bride deserves these tiny love letters -- every bride deserves them. Today, Ill tell you a story about her. Well call Risky Business. A little over 3 years ago, I decided -- hey, Im going to try to do freelance design, even though I dont have a degree in it and Im not done pursuing the technical-level certification in it. And Lindy said, Lets do this. Now, you expect your friends to support you in your crazy ideas -- like, its 1 a.m., lets order a pizza with stuffed crust, or, that rope hanging from the tree over the water looks safe, lets try swinging off it. You also expect your spouse to be able to tell you, Youre crazy. Come back down to earth. Have you prayed about this? Have you considered the consequences? But my bride said, If you feel that this is what the Lord wants for you, Im all in. May not make sense now, but it might later on, and I believe you. Thats not an exact quote, but pretty much what she said right as I decided to offer my notice at my former job. Truth be told, even though I havent been terribly successful at graphic design and am now back in the full time employment arena, she and I knew one thing: I had to try it. The success wasnt in the outcome, it was in the meat of the attempt. And she stood by me all the while -- even in hours so dark I wouldnt dare describe them to you. This is why she isnt only my bride, but also my best friend -- because she was faithful and loyal to me all the while encouraging me to pursue a field related to my passion (creating art). We didnt know that God would gift 2 additional children while I pursued graphic design. We didnt know that wed need more financial help than we had at our disposal. We didnt know a lot of things. But risk isnt knowing. Risk is trying without knowing, and that sounds a lot like faith to me. Truthfully, this could have been labeled Faith Business because we stepped out (notice I said we) not knowing would the result would be, but trying because we felt that the Lord had something in mind for us. And often, my bride was the only one of us that believed in me, and maybe thats what the Lord was trying to show me -- that my bride was so faithful that in our darkest times, she would remain with me and love me regardless of circumstances that suggested she should do otherwise.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:29:36 +0000

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