Day 13 Perpignan - Barcelona champagne supernova As we had - TopicsExpress


Day 13 Perpignan - Barcelona champagne supernova As we had decided that we were going to cram 2 days into 1 It was absolutely, without doubt, imperative we got an early start. Planning to be on the road for 7:30am was the earliest start time we had agreed of the tour so far. I wasnt very optimistic, remember......its Andy Russell was are talking about here. I was again pleasantly surprised as we were all up at 6am, faffing done, breakfasts eaten and on the road. Again we only had to deal with 1 road. The A900 which leads on to the N-11 straight into Barcelona. The day started very slow again as we had a head wind. The road started very hilly as we had to climb over the some major hills to enter Spain. It was such an early start we did the first 70km in nice cool weather. With the first stop agreed at 90km the the last 20km of the first stint was in baking hot Spanish weather. First stop was much needed as we were all out of water and struggling in the heat. Fed and watered we were on our way for the second round of the day. It was agreed that with Ally having to head into Barcelona to pick up the arrival party of family and friends to ride the last 10km as a precession, so we were on our own. With such a hot day it was imperative we stayed on top of our water. With a familiar road to Andy and myself this was slightly comforting but that feeling of comfort quickly diminished as the road eventually turned into a full blown Spanish motorway. This was a scary experience and the peloton was shook up when a lorry came within inches of wiping out David, one of the closest Ive ever seen. We also saw Andy have a rare moment of crankiness when trying to find an off ramp to obtain more water and as we stopped we quickly changed our minds and stayed on the motorway. At his point Andy spat the dummy out and threw a few profanities our way. The peloton was very quiet for the next 20 mins but to the big chaps defence an apology was issued with sincerity as soon as we stopped at the next available opportunity. As the day went on and the miles started to mount, the wind changed in our favour. With our welcome party lost, caused by El Jimbos searching for another Ikea, we rode most of the way on our own. We eventually stumbled across family and friends standing at the side of the road screaming and shouting with joy. Except Ally, who still having to listen to El Jimbos Complete history of Catalonia, from the beginning of time. As I write this now he is still at it with Ally and he is only up to 1935. Could be a long weekend. With the arrival in the centre of Barcelona to the wonderful sight of Vinnie abandoned right in the middle of Columbus column it was champagne spraying time and a much deserved drink for all. It was a such a great experience to have an official welcome party this year. Speaking for the whole peloton we would like to make a special thank you to a few people. First we would like to thank every single person who donated money to this challenge. Without your generosity there would be no point in doing this. You really will make a difference to peoples lives. A special thank you must be given to El Jimbo. His commitment to this challenge has been amazing. Not only did he help us financially, but he gave us so much of his time and was always on hand to bark a few orders from time to time. He really is a good guy and a good friend. Another thank you must be given to Claire Valentine. She has been amazing at planning what us juvenile delinquents were unable to do. And we have drove her bonkers over the last few months. She has agreed to help next year but Im not sure this agreement will stand as we had to dig into Iains stash of rohypnol to make her come to this agreement. Thanks Iain. On a personal note. I would like to thank Ally. Over the last week he has been there for us at every stage. Sitting in a hot and sweaty van navigating all over Europe, is not an easy task especially when we have been on his case from the very fist minute to the last. His commitment to this challenge has been awe inspiring. Next years tour will not be the same as we have used the last of Iains rohypmal to rope him into cycling next year. Thank you Iain! I would also like to thank my comrades who cycled with me. We have all brought our own skill set to this challenge and we have made it happen. David for his courage to get back on the bike after a major crash. What an effort and even accepted his fine with grace. The epitome of rule 5. I have never seen anyone work there body into the ground more than what Iain White did on this tour. He made himself ill with sickness and diarrhea. We officially broke him and promised he would never do anything like this again. So the last of his rohypnol stash was used to make him agree to doing it again next year. See you next year Iain. Finally to Andy who without doubt smashed this years tour. He has hauled a 95kg powerhouse of a frame all over Europe. He scaled Mont Ventoux and the Col de Tourmalet with this weight and knowing that he was never going to give in and complete these stages was inspirational to me personally. Finally I would like to thank my girlfriend Talitha Kotze, my young cousin Jennifer Dean and my mum for coming all the way over to Spain to support us all. We could not have asked for a better reception on arrival in Barcelona. Thank you girls. You are amazing. So a big sign off from the blog. That last one. Very emotional. I have had a wonderful experience and this challenge has without doubt changed me as a person. A quote I was slaughtered for the other night at dinner but I truly believe never know who you truly are until you push yourself to the edge Another quote said by the greatest athlete of all time.... Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world theyve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. Its a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:44:37 +0000

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