Day 16 PM Update. Well, we are back on the roller coaster again. - TopicsExpress


Day 16 PM Update. Well, we are back on the roller coaster again. Butch had such a good day yesterday and I am grateful to the Lord for allowing me to share that day with him. I walked into the hospital around 8:30 this morning and the nurse said he had a really bad night, and was in a lot of stomach pain. She gave him a shot for pain at 7 and could not give him another one until 9. There was no question of weaning today. I went in and Butch was lying there gasping in pain and my heart sank. I talked to him and rubbed what I could reach of his back until 9 when she gave him another shot and he went to sleep. I asked if the Dr had seen him yet and she said no, she was waiting on him to make rounds, she would check to see if he was on the floor. People sometimes the Dr. does not come around until 11 am. He was not on the floor so I had to put my spurs on and ask the nurse to page the Dr. I said there is no sense in him hurting like that. So the Dr. arrived within 15 minutes and began checking things out. He said every time they tried to feed Butch through the tube it caused this pain and his stomach would distend. They would do another x-ray but if he had a blockage there was nothing they could do. He was also anemic and very weak and they would give him a blood transfusion to help with that. Well, he did not have a blockage but the Dr. said he though it was Ileus, not sure what that is but what I understood is that Butch has had so much sedation and is so weak his digestive system has pretty much gone to sleep. When they feed him it just sits in his stomach and does not go anywhere but gives him a lot of pain. They decided to start feeding him intravenously because they said he has to have some nutrition or he will just get weaker and weaker. It was 2 weeks ago today and he has not really had any nutrition at all. The blood transfusion brought some color back to his face and he has been sedated most of the day because of pain. I spent most of my time in the waiting area because they were working with him so much. The IV feeding started at 6 pm. Hopefully with the blood transfusion and the feeding tomorrow will be a better day. "For you are my hope, O Lord God; You are my trust from my youth." Psalm 71:5
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 23:55:22 +0000

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