Day 161-Why Is "Continuity" so Important to Us? Can we talk about - TopicsExpress


Day 161-Why Is "Continuity" so Important to Us? Can we talk about the tremendous attention and awareness that is needed in order for the brain to be free, totally free from all troublesome activities? So may we talk over together this very complex problem that humankind has faced for thousand of thousands of years which is not morbid, death? Also we would like to understand together the problem of death? Why human being has such a problem with death and to find out what is death? It is a part of our life as anxiety, fear, loneliness and all the toil and turmoil, conflicts of life. Death is also part of our life whether one is very young enjoying life or middle age and old age this is a problem that each human being has to face. We are all going too die some day this is certain, it is the one thing that is an irrevocable fact. So we are going to find out together what it means to die? Do you the viewers mind that we discuss this, you don’t mind right? Why is it that human beings are so frighten of death? Why is it that human beings have put death as far away as possible from their life? Why is it that death seems to appear as a terrible thing? Doctors and others have written books about how to die happily. The writer doesn’t know if you have seen this book titled how to die with grace, happily and relaxed it is quit popular in the USA. In order for us to get to the root of this we should together enquire into what it means to “end” something? Have you ever enquired into such a question, what it means to “end”? What is the significance of ending something? To end it not continuity, we are use to or have been conditioned to continuity. What does it mean to continue? A long duration of continuous memory, can you see this? A continuous attachment to a place, person, idea. I wonder if any of you viewing this have experimented with completely ending an ideal and not what will happen if I end? The question of ending is very important to understand, ending a habit? This is biological and psychological habit, completely ending them both? Our normal way of doing is if we end then what more is there to do or have. You know this right? Which means you are still thinking in terms of continuity. If one ends anger or selfishness what else is there, so this is saying that our brains are always looking to something else if we end one thing. There fore we have never ended anything completely. Are you with the writer in this, can we go on? Now if one understands the nature of “ending” and the urge and desire to continue. When there is the desire to continue this very action breed fear of ending, if one understand the ending there fore no continuity then there is no fear. “Are we thinking together, actually thinking together not accepting what the writer is saying that is not important? But putting or minds and brain together? Not your brain and my brain but the quality of brain that thinks and say I am going to enquire and find out, a quality of brain that questions, ask, doubt then we are together? Then our brains are meeting each other and communication becomes very easy, simple. Are we doing this, half and half may be? Do you step back from the reading and look at it with the writer then come back to continue?” “If you are listening to this are you following step by step and listening without agreeing or disagreeing and just looking at your self as you listen?” This is where our difficulty lies. Probably some of you have been here before and I am not being disrespectful to them but they have listen to or read this before and they are probably bored knowing what he is going to say they have become accustomed to the words. But are we together learning not memorizing, do you see the difference? We memorize we are educated to memorize so that we can be skillful in using our knowledge. We memorize lessons, we memorize various historical processes and scientific facts we accumulate knowledge to be able to act skillfully in any field. But learning, real learning is a never-ending movement like the earth rotating on it axis, it flows and it’s never static or stops or stalls not for a moment. Knowledge is static because you are always adding more and more. Learning is like a great river that moving with great volume behind it moving rapidly and swiftly with nothing standing in it way. That is the act of learning? So the writer is asking are we learning together or our brains are programmed like the computer. It is rather interesting to talk about the computer, you don’t mind, right? The question that the writer is asking what will happen to humankind when the computer will be able to out think humankind in certain realms. What will become of us? The so-called top scientist, biologist, mathematician and engineers say this will happen eventually. Our brains are programmed also after 2 thousand year of programming to call your self a Christian, the Hindu 3-4 thousand years of programming to believe in something and all the rest of it, the Muslim also are programmed. So do you follow my question? What will happen to the human brain that has been active for all of these years in doing certain things, you know carpentry, automobile mechanics, construction and mathematics? This question was asked to the computer experts and there answer were we don’t care it doesn’t matter. They have but one interest and that is inventing, period! Please do listen to all of this it is not a game or joke that we are playing! Either the brain will wither and die slowly as it is doing as we talk about this or it will purge itself in the entertainment world to regain the activities that will be lacking because of the advancement of the computer. The entertainment world, which is sports, cinema and also religion with all the rest. The brain has become caught in that more and more people are constantly on their iPhones, iPads, iPods and all the other I’s that are out there. The children forever want to be entertained, everlasting seeking entertainment and we let them do it. Or it may turn inwardly, not selfishness or self-centeredness that is a very small affair. But to delve in much more deeply, the brain has an extraordinary capacity as we show in the technological world that same brain can go very deeply and watch and the depth is infinite. So, this is the two things that we are faced with, so far entertainment is winning? Okay now lets come back, what is death? As we said if you understand the nature of ending and the nature of continuity, because this is what all of us want, we think in continuity there is safety and security. Being identified with a country having roots in a certain place or attached to some ideal or symbol of some kind, which is a series of continuities hopping to find in that security, this all means that we cling to continuity. I don’t if you see this but that continuity is bringing about great disaster and wars. When one clings to democracy, what ever that may mean. The whole group of totalitarian state that control humans beings calling them selves the manager of human beings the dictator ship and all the rest of the horror that is going on. So where is security? Do you understand the question? We have sort security in the wife, husband, family, job, clubs, religion and intonation so on. There has been no security for humankind as civilization grows more and more separate and complex it will be less and less security. Continuity gives us the hope of having security. Where does security lie, is there any security at-all. When we are seeking security, which is in continuity, then there must be the real fear of death, which is the ending of life. The Asiatic world especially India which has expanded all over Asia psychologically and religiously they have invented the word reincarnation that is a series of continuities, can you see this? It didn’t happen this life but next life and if not then the next, you follow? Until human being reach that highest principle or state which is a very comforting idea of continuity. But we never asked our selves what is ending actually ending? We are frightened of that too, to end for example completely all-psychological attachments? Because we attached to so many things, people, ideas, to knowledge, to concepts, to various forms of idealisms and to money, memories or to our experiences. We are attached to so many things and death comes along and says my friend it time and you can’t take any of it with you. Your family, money, knowledge, all of your vanities, position and power all of that stays while you go. And then there are those that say I have left them secure, how vain is that? That is what we are frightened of and it is what we call death. The terrible ending and not knowing what will happen after wards. If you knew what happened after ward you would continue. Our brain is cunning and so subtle in its activities day to day that it must know before it does anything, it must know what is there. It can’t live in a state of vacuity or a state of nothingness. This is why it is important to understand continuity and the nature of ending without the movement of a future. You see what we are saying about death is don’t be attached to anything psychologically first then you will find out physically how not to be attached. Please see the importance of this its sounds funny and it is rather funny why we are so attached? The real question is can we live freely, which means no attachment ending everyday all forms of holding on to things psychologically? REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:57:41 +0000

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