Day: 21 Date: Tuesday June 25th Status: Alive Location: - TopicsExpress


Day: 21 Date: Tuesday June 25th Status: Alive Location: Chengdu Bought my ticket to Guilin and did laundry. Ended up going to the Wide and Narrow Alley and the People’s Park. Chinese love dancing! They always dance at parks or any open space. The park was a huge dance floor. I also attempted to take pictures of bats but that was a fail. My camera is slow. The Wide and Narrow Alleys are fake old-school streets. They are too nice. I think they were built in modern days to look like old streets. They are just a tourist trap with super expensive food. Highlights of the day were my food successes. I had a really good breakfast of flat noodles, discovered a farmer’s market and bought asian pears, peaches, grapes and lychee, had some chinese pionono, tried a Chendu see-through noodles sandwich, followed by an ice cream. On my way back ran into two of the girls of my dorm and we walked some more. We walked for 2.5 hours and had some tea. I taught them a few words in Spanish. The words of the day are “hola amiga”. I was supposed to go visit the Xi’an people at a different hostel but by the time I was back it would have not been a good idea to go. Buses stop running early and I would have had to get a taxi if I go anywhere far. Tomorrow I will be on 26-hour train to Guilin. There will be no bitacora del capitan for over 26 hours. End of log.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:44:05 +0000

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