Day 3 Today Im sharing from my friend, Rebecca Linthicum! We - TopicsExpress


Day 3 Today Im sharing from my friend, Rebecca Linthicum! We were married 6 months when we tried to start our family. After we had tried for quite some time my doctor put me on clomid, a fertility drug. Another 6 months passed with no results. It was then determined I had a blockage in my fallopian tube tube. Surgery was done to correct the problem. We then tried 7 times using artificial insemination with no results. During this trial, I could hear God’s voice telling me to wait on Him, to trust Him and consider adoption. I chose to try in-vitro fertilization. We tried 2 times. The process was painful both physically and mentally not to mention financially. We failed both times. It was determined by my doctors, I was infertile. It was in March after failing the second round of in-vitro we were headed home from Kansas City with extremely heavy hearts when I received a phone call from my cousin who asked if we would consider adopting her step daughter’s unborn child. We of course said yes. We know God’s hand was on every moment of the adoption process. Five months later we were the parents of a beautiful baby girl. During this trial we had been to the alter in prayer many times. On one occasion, a prophet told us “your children will follow God.” I held on tight to that promise. Not knowing how, but that maybe someday we could have another child. We were so happy with our daughter and were extremely blessed. When she was three years old, I noticed I wasnt feeling like myself. But with my history of many female health issues, I ignored my symptoms, fatigue, upset stomach, incredible craving for pineapple, etc. I refused to take a pregnancy test until the symptoms were getting the better of me. I was nearly three months pregnant when I took a positive pregnancy test. The doctors wanted me to take tests to see if my baby was ok, to determine if there were any abnormalities or signs of downs syndrome. I refused. I knew God did not bring me this far for a bad report. The doctors also said I was high risk since this was my first pregnancy and i was 38 years old. I chose not to listen. I would not allow the enemy to steal my joy. On Valentine’s Day, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. The doctors called me “infertile” the grace of God, my children call me “Mommy”!!!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:37:23 +0000

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