Day 4 - things that will sabotage your success! 4. Throwing - TopicsExpress


Day 4 - things that will sabotage your success! 4. Throwing extended pity parties for yourself! No matter how bad it is for you, someone else has it worse! I know this isnt any consolation or even helpful but you think youve got it bad ! Often the things we take for granted others are fighting for - i.e their lives! My friend Paul McGee Has a measure to help us gain perspective - on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 = Death where is it ...really ? Often when I pause and ask this question to a challenge Im facing it quickly helps me to gain the perspective Im missing because of my emotional involvement in the situation. I know Life can sometimes be difficult and challenging but feeling sorry for yourself won’t change that as the more we think and dwell on something the longer we keep feeling the emotions sad - angry - frustration etc... Because what we focus on magnifies! So we need to change our thoughts about it! If we cant change the situation change our thoughts about the situation it will set you free! Because its our thoughts that create our reality for us which is really just a perspective as what makes you frustrated or angry May not make me angry so its real to you but not me! So its all about your thoughts - they create your world! I remember feeling a victim when I lost my first business - the feelings werent helpful to me and my family at all !!! as I burdened my family and anyone who would listen to me ! I was stuck in anger and pity mode for far too long ! I couldnt change this so I decided to change how I thought about it to set me free! I decided my first business was never going to be my destiny ! I needed to learn from my many mistakes that clearly I made accepted self responsibility and stopped blaming others so I could MOVE ON from my extended Pity Party which is putting it mildly what felt like the worst chapter in my life lead me to the best chapter in my life when I gained perspective and changed my perception .... I now have a business thats better - gives me freedom - turns over millions - takes me all over the world - pays me a residual income that will look after our family for ever - and it lead me to Claire and the family and life we now have - change your thoughts change your life! So Focus on the things you’re grateful for, have an attitude of gratitude and remember what you focus on magnifies so don’t go focusing on your problems start thinking solutions and thinking differently about your situation - whats life trying to tell you so you can learn and move on? Remember it’s not what happens to us that’s important it’s what we do about what happens to us so When we change our attitude we change everything! Be a victor not a victim :-)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:53:26 +0000

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