Day 4. https://youtube/watch?v=FeTLVDrUaPU Enclosed is a - TopicsExpress


Day 4. https://youtube/watch?v=FeTLVDrUaPU Enclosed is a link to a old Q and A that Leonard Ravehill did with what seems to be a bunch of Pastors. Its is really long, But, if you can watch it in its entirety its definitely worth it. During this interview he tells the story of a fellow in Zion Illinois that would prayer 10 pm to 5 every morning for 30 plus years. I can only imagine the things this man put in motion eternally with his prayer life. I am only four days into this discipline and yet I find that I am beginning to pray more. Last night before bed I prayed with Mac and Kylie and Mackenzie told Jesus she wanted a pink pony. There was such sincerity in her asking that I wouldnt be surprised if one just suddenly appears sometime today. I feel that I should stop here and let you know that I am not looking for a pat on the back, or an atta boy. I am not a minister, obviously. Im just a guy that heard a Word from heaven as Pastor Gary spoke Sunday and it just set a blaze something inside of me. Jesus always talked about being about His Fathers business, but it began and ended with prayer. How many times did he slip away to have one on one fellowship with the Father. The great men of scripture, man, they prayed a lot. The great ministers were men of prayer. They understood History could be rewritten on their knees. If I dont pray who will? If I am not on my knees for my family, my children, my church, my pastor, the lost, who will? There is door that is rapidly closing on the things of heaven because Jesus is coming back soon. If we dont pray now, then when? How many marriages have to be attacked within our walls before we cry out to God? How many deaths of those separated from God before we begin to cry out as a body to the God of heaven for mercy. Pastor Ravenhill talked about how you can see the true pulse of a church by those not seen on Sunday morning, but during prayer meeting. I am finding myself retreating from tv and entertainment more and more to simply spend time with God. The disciplines of true faith carry with it the realization that things of this world must be let go Pastor gave us a call to arms on Sunday. How glorious it would be if our faith was united to the pulling down of strongholds. How great a victory God would give us in our Body if we began to lift up the things that are coming against us collectively. Today target pray. Let God put a marriage, friend, or family member on your heart and intercede for them. Have a great day, I love you all. MB
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:41:36 +0000

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