Day 5- On Friendship So I realized after last night, laughing - TopicsExpress


Day 5- On Friendship So I realized after last night, laughing my rear end off with a bunch of moms that I have friends....and a lot of different kinds of friends. So todays post is on just that! 1. For my friends that take me to my knees laughing, Im so grateful for good times, the reminder that laughing cures most things and its just something I need to do often. 2. For my friends of the heart. Ones I tell my secrets to, shed my tears with and bare my soul keep me from stuffing it, you keep me honest, you show me I dont need to go it alone. 3. For family brothers and sisters, my parents. Some people would dread a week with their immediate family on vacation. I cherish my time with you. I love our family get togethers...all of them. I laugh with you and adore all the things that make you uniquely you! 4. For friendships of the past. I am so grateful. Some of these have been so hard to lose. Some of my most painful moments are the endings of what was once something I thought Id never live without and the aftermath of not being in each others lives. Whatever has brought the ending, I am grateful for learning from it, welcome the new people that have blessed my life, and wish nothing less than unconditional love and friendship for you and me! 5. For work friendship...Whats cool about these is that sometimes they grow into more, but in the workplace, we work together for a common purpose....the business of healing! I can have deep conversations with these friends, a cup of coffee, or just come and go as we need to and that is totally awesome. 6. For friendship in sobriety through fellowship and sponsorship. In any given moment, these friends are there in my worst of times, best of times and have taught me FIRST how to be a friend and earn friendship too. 7. For intimate sisterly friendship. My sister, who for a short time was someone I couldnt share a room with, never mind a friendship, has become my very best friend, the person who understands, encourages, accepts, and loves me like no one else can, and thats what I try my best to give her...I am so grateful for our journey together. 8. For probably the most complicated friendship I work every day at...relationship husband. Not my strong point...for all the times Ive cut and run in the past, for all the times I thought things are supposed to end because of my learned coping defenses, for the slow burn of a relationship when I wanted a quick igniting inferno, for all my giving and not enough taking. Art, youve taught me to receive, to love myself, to trust youre not going anywhere, to never give up and so many other wonderful things. Our life is just beginning. Our friendship is solid. I am so grateful it took 20 years to bring us together and all that we went through separately to appreciate what we have together. 9. To my divine friendships...My mentors, my earth angels, my human guides, my teachers. We have a lasting bond that sometimes needs no words. There are periods where we dont speak or see each other for a very long time, but we always know right where we a loving light together, helping each other move forward, closer to home. 10. Last but not least, theres my four legged friends, my messenger friends like the birds, insects, deer, possum, woodchuck, and so on. God cant be seen they say, but Gods love and messages reveal themselves to me through you every day. I see you God. I see you in all you give me in every living being. Im so grateful for your friendship and that you continue to trust me with your love and guidance, granting me another beautiful day.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 16:36:34 +0000

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