Day 5 of Positivity/Gratitude ~ 1) The friends who have done - TopicsExpress


Day 5 of Positivity/Gratitude ~ 1) The friends who have done this exercise before, with, or starting after me. I love reading other peoples lists of gratitude...sometimes they remind me of something I have completely overlooked or perhaps taken for granted, and I think, Yes! Good call. Thanks for reminding me :-) 2) The good weather this week. Overall there has been sunshine at least part of everyday, and everyday I have been able to walk home from the city. No trams, no lazy bones. 3) My friend Sandra who is doing illustrations for my Little Owls Book of Curiosity. If I end up going down the self-publishing road it is wonderful to know a wonderful lady wants to be part of the project. Great for me and she says great for her, too :-) 4) Intuition. It really isnt celebrated enough. I have days when I am too focused on day-to-day stresses and forget to really tune in to my inner voice, but overall I see how far listening to it has brought me...especially in recent years... I cannot recommend enough the importance to listening to and following your gut...really the head is not always your friend....especially if it wont co-operate with your heart or if it belittles your emotional and humanitarian internal compass. 5) The people who not only bring out my silly side, and coax the humour out of me, but who even find my jokes funny. Ms Serious knows that she has a funny side but through experiences as a child, learnt to keep it shut off... We can always have more smiles and laughter in our days...and those who bring it to mine and get me to bring it to theirs really make a difference in my life. Thank you
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:01:37 +0000

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