Day 6 - Lessons in the Sun The little ones all sat in a big - TopicsExpress


Day 6 - Lessons in the Sun The little ones all sat in a big circle outside for their lessons this morning. They responded well to the photo flash cards that I showed them. Some of the older ones happily repeated the English words back to me, straining to get a better look at the bright photographs which I showed around. The littler one were far more interested in a school bus full of noisy older children. Waving and shouting out bye! seemed a lot more fun. We made balloon animals for all the children today. They absolutely loved them and played happily in the sunshine, dancing around merrily. I was so surprised to see that the children werent surprised and didnt cry when one popped. They would quickly return to us to line up for a replacement! All very practical. There were some tears when a holy man, dressed in orange robes tied all around, approached the teacher for a visit. Some of the children became a little afraid and began to cry, but as soon as he left, the children settled. As the children began to file indoors after some time, I was so surprised to see a small unconfined fire burning rubbish the broken swings. Two small children were standing very close by, their eyes delighted by the dancing flames. Protectively, I ran over and ushered them away and inside. Health and Safety standards do not exist here and I never thought I would say this, but Im beginning to miss them!! On arrival at the Street kids project. The boy were having something to eat after school as they watched their small TV. We waited and then filed outside to help them with their homework. I helped one little boy with his Maths and we whizzed through it! Then onto loom bands. Thankfully the boys took pity on me when my fingers started to turn a bit blue and made me hold two marker pens! We met Sarah and her friends for a drink at a bar called Silk Road as Janices band were playing. Jade, Edwina and I all ate at Sweet Memories, as they we live it there! feeling very tired today and need an early night! Yasmine
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:36:33 +0000

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