Day 87!! Alexis Vitale shares an incredible story with us today! - TopicsExpress


Day 87!! Alexis Vitale shares an incredible story with us today! So I was asked to share my story of being ballsy…I decided instead of sharing my story, I wanted to write about one my best friends and how truly she is BALLSY!! I met my good friend Amanda 12 years ago at Arizona State University. We were both Kinesiology majors in college. I had transferred in from a smaller school and she had just moved from Alabama. One of our Professors used to call us Bama (Amanda) and Sunshine (Alexis). From that point on we were truly a duo. She became more then a friend, she became family. That same year she met a wonderful guy named Dan, that down the road became her husband, her best friend, and an amazing father to her two beautiful children Tallen and Tatum. Dan was one of the most positive, big-hearted, outgoing people I had ever met. He always found a way to make light of any situation and have you laughing. Dan was diagnosed with Stage III Colon Cancer in 2012. I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news and time just paused for a second. On the other line was my best friend Amanda as calm and positive as could be and said Dan has Colon Cancer. The next thing she said was,” We are Warriors we are ready to go to battle!” From that point on we all put on Armor. Amanda and Dan lead the charge and their friends and family followed. Dan put up the biggest fight and unfortunately lost his battle in August 2013. He left behind many wonderful memories and touched so many lives. His spirit continues to live on through the people he touched and especially his family. Amanda still has on her Armor, she is a WARRIOR! She was by her husband’s side every step of the way and will always be. She has him in mind everyday raising their two children. Making sure that they keep his memories alive. She is now a single mother playing the role of both parents. She truly impresses me everyday with her strength. I believe the hardest battle to fight are for the ones left behind. In my eyes Amanda is beating it and will continue to fight. She will continue to give her children the best life possible and she will continue to live her life and make every moment count. She is “BALLSY”. Life is beautiful………..
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:17:33 +0000

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