Day 88 - LA We wake up early, its studio visiting day. Its a - TopicsExpress


Day 88 - LA We wake up early, its studio visiting day. Its a toss up between Warner Brothers which is just a TV and movie studio and Universal which is a studio plus a theme park. We go with Warner Bros as it has more productions we are familiar with, including one of Courts faves, Gilmore Girls. A subway and 30 minute walk through richville suburbia and were there. Were touring on a Sunday and our guide informs us this is good news as no one works on Sundays so weve got free reign over the studio. Woo hoo. We hop in his electric cart and off we go. First stop is an outside set which is a really small looking jungle with an even smaller lagoon. Scenes from films such as Free Willy and some Tom Cruise movie have been filmed here. There are a couple of cabins around also which are used in various productions including True Blood, Million Dollar Baby and some Muppets film. Its interesting to note that one set will be used in a number of different shows or movies, they will just place signs in the front or lights so it wont look the same in every show. Next we enter a car museum which is home to the Scooby Doo Van, Batman vehicles and the Harry Potter and Great Gatsby car, amongst others. We move along to a set which has been set up permanently for visitors to look at. Central Perk from the show Friends. Even though neither of us is a Friends fan and Courts not even having watched a full episode we still cant help but be impressed. Its a real life freaking set that real freaking actors acted in. Its sweet. We check out the props department. Apparently Warner Bros has the biggest one in the business. Its pretty cool. Along the cruise through the studios our guide points out that there is no studio number 13 due to it being an unlucky number. Fair enough. We move on to some more outdoor sets. We see the front of a court which was used in the Batman movie. Apparently they filmed one shot of Batman and Robin running up the stairs and used the same take 72 times. They also have a Central Park which is about the size of sandbox, but you couldnt tell from seeing it on the big or small screens. Next we move on to the moment Courts has been waiting for. We drive through a street of sets which again are used in heaps of productions, one being Gilmore Girls. Courts is practically peeing her pants, she is virtually Rory in Gilmore Girls right now, just hanging at the gazebo. Next we check out the sound stage where The Big Bang Theory is filmed. Again, neither of us are fans of this show but we cannot help but be blown away by how well, real it looks. No cast here today unfortunately but if there was, we wouldnt be allowed in without a ticket, which are difficult to get. We learn that if there is a person with an unfortunate sounding laugh in the crowd they will turn off the speaker in that section so it is not heard on the telly. Second to last stop is the Warner Bros museum where they have memorabilia from productions including the piano from Casablanca and a menu from Lukes diner which excites Courts to no end. And for those who like Harry Potter, the whole second floor is dedicated to this franchise. Its filled with lots of Harry Potter... things. Were nearly at the end of the tour. We drive by a street which looks like something out of New York. Fun fact: it isnt just tv and movies filmed here, they also do music videos. Beastie Boys and LMFAO both produced videos here. Tour now over, we both decide we want to live if not at the very least work in a studio. It is too cool for words. We head into Hollywood for lunch then wander what is probably the most tourist ridden place in LA, Hollywood Boulevard. This is where the Hollywood walk of fame is, a heap of people selling celebrity sight seeing tours and just general odd balls. We wonder around for a while then head back home for a nap. The excitement of the studio tour was too much for us to handle. Today is also the the Grammys award ceremony so we head on down to the Staples Centre to celebrity spot. Shouldnt have had that nap, weve missed it. Oh well. We wander around down town until we find a pub that has some activity going on. We order some beers and Courts finally wins a game of pool. After this we head home. Last nights Hottest 100 indignities and this mornings set hopping has really taken it out of us.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:17:38 +0000

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