Daybreak in the forest is always such an enchanted scene, it - TopicsExpress


Daybreak in the forest is always such an enchanted scene, it touches my spirit as if I were walking through a dream. Long shadowed fingers of autumn mingling with the mist of night, as the canopy is pierced by soft beams of sunlight. The warm hues of the season weaving amid the evergreens and yews, the weighted silence broken as Owl swept in with his morning news: To the ancient grove you must go, where the moss-covered boulder grows. The one with symbol upon symbol carved in stone, the etched images of Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon. Sentries will guide the others to the sacred space. There is room for all to take their place. He turned abruptly and lifting again into the air, flying over to his hollow home. He fluffed himself upon the bough, ducked in and vanished...Poof!...he was gone. I made my way through the shadows taking the path that led to the gnarled and ancient Oaks. Their arms were contorted as they formed a peripheral wheel of spokes. The enormous boulders that were scattered about formed the inner ring, at the center stood the altar stone, the one Owl was mentioning. Here the Solar and Lunar Powers lovingly embraced, I drew my hand gently over the etching on its face. I let my eyelids fall closed and cleared my mind of clutter. Held in the silence of their presence I heard a familiar voice begin to softly mutter. It was hard to make out the words though there was no stutter. I knew the Wizard was again talking to himself, he does that when theres a lot on his mind. So I watched for him to emerge from the dense side of the tree line. Hed changed his countenance and was looking rather young, his dark hair and shorn beard blending with his brown cowled robe. In his right hand his tall staff was firmly grasped, when he drew closer I simply had to ask. Old friend, good morning to you, what on earth have you done to yourself. My Stars you look so much younger, is this the magic of the Elves? He smiled that old familiar smile and nodded his head. Yes, the glamor is need, when our work is done I shall summon Nimue from her watery depths. I furrowed my brow and looked closely into his eyes. So why this youthful guise? He shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepishly, I shall once again propose that she marry me. She always argues its an impossible thing but weve loved through the ages, what good does saying no bring? The distance is what it is, and we both understand, it is time that she places my ring on her hand. My eyes grew wide at this news, and I whispered, My friend I will pray for you. I hope with all my heart she says yes, I know you love her unconditionally, and trust this time shell accept. His face was somber at the thought, then from his pocket he drew a pale cloth, carefully pulling apart its folds, and showed me the ring that hed brought. Do you think she will like it? I searched high and wide for a stone that would match the hue of her eyes. Then forged the setting, my own creation you see, oh how I hope she will, this time, marry me! Oh I dont see how she could refuse, Ive never seen such a beautiful shade of blue. My friend we both know she loves you so, I just dont see, with your persistence, how she can say no. Tell her that nothing else needs to change, reassure her its merely the bonding of loves refrain. Im sure if you open your heart to speak her own will melt and make her weak. He liked that and smiled as he placed it back into the folds, and then into the depth of his pocket to hold. He waved his arm in the air, Enough of that for now, we had best prepare. He walked over to a felled tree stump, and then he reached inside. From it he withdrew an old worn leather satchel and opened it wide. He took the contents and spread them atop the boulder, upon a purple cloth spread as wide as his shoulders. The alter prepared he put mage fire to the censor and upon it dropped a white sage, sweetgrass and red cedar infusion hed made. The smoke billowed out as he swung the chain and walked the unseen circle he framed. Then turned again to the altar stone and set it to burn there alone. Come, said the Wizard, come sit with me, over here on the moss-covered fallen tree. Well pass the time as we wait for the others. I teased him then: Will you share some tales of your lover? He cocked his head and gave me a cautious eye. Then smiled and said: Very well, Ill try. The memories go back through the ages, volumes could be written upon countless pages. We met when we were very young, just past being babes in our mothers arms. The moment I lay my eyes on her I was captured by her charms. Childhood friends we were, and then in our youth we accidentally shared a kiss. It was one I would forever miss, she has the softest tender lips! My heart was hers from the first days sun and she knows shes always been the only one. I just listened as he reminisced, and told the story from that first kiss. I saw the love reflecting in his eyes. I hope she says yes and takes him by surprise. Im sure hes prepared for her to say no, its been the way of things as they go. Somehow, this time, I pray his spirit can sing and that she will accept his ring. Well thats enough fo that for now. Weve things to attend today. Come, my friends, we wait for you in this sacred space. See you when you get here!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:44:12 +0000

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