Dealing with negative people, loneliness and self doubt In - TopicsExpress


Dealing with negative people, loneliness and self doubt In Business These 3 challenges are very common to every entrepreneur. Am told the Germans call it Schadenfreude. It means the pleasure people take in seeing others fail. If you have people like this in your life, as most of us do, there is only one solution: cut these energy vampires out of your life. They are a mental burden on you because they drain you of energy. Energy that you need to build and conquer. Give these people the boot and do it as soon as possible. If they aren’t on-board with you, then toss them overboard. You often hear of successful people being told how much they’ve changed and how they don’t spend time with their old friends anymore...well, Successful people don’t have the time or the will to hang out with losers, so they cut them off. With money and success comes choices, that means you get to pick and choose who you spend your time with. And you don’t have to spend time with go-nowhere nudniks. You also have the choice to not be lonely. The misconception is that if you don’t go to a 8-5 job everyday and hang out with office drones then you will be lonely. Not true. You’ll only be as lonely as you choose to be. What about self doubt? Self-doubt is simply a fear of success. It’s hard to be superior and it’s easy to be average and it’s easy to give up and go work a 8-5 job. All of us feel self doubt at one point or another. An easy way to conquer self doubt is to take a look around you and see all the people who have given up and ask yourself if that’s how you want live. If that’s not how you want to see yourself then…. DON’T GIVE UP. EVER.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:18:18 +0000

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