Deamons are real Today so many Christians don’t believe in - TopicsExpress


Deamons are real Today so many Christians don’t believe in the existence of daemons. They simply do not believe that daemons can posses the person. I always want to ask these people: ‘Do you even read the Bible?’ Once I had a talk with a woman, who called herself a Christian. She expressed her thoughts about people who are addicted to illness called schizophrenia. ‘Logic is following, if one has mental problems, he needs to cure his nerves. ’ There are a lot of people, who has mental problems; they simply need a help of a doctor. Schizophrenia is a illness, sometimes, they are just different from the people, but it is nothing serious. It is not an evil spirits, a person is simply sick’ I have to say there is a difference among Christians. The ones that have relations with God and the ones that don’t have, the ones that reads the Bible and the ones that don’t but still express their opinion, which is not supported in Bible. Mark 5;8: For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. Marka 3;14,15:And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach; And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils: ………………… Testemony (conversation with the evil spirits) I was asked to see for a week a woman who is a physician with diagnosis schizophrenia , Zenta is peaceful and smiles often. She regularly use medications prescribed by your doctor , and she appears to be very pleased with her life. Now and then she reads the Bible. She does not go out of her appartment so often, most of the time she is all by her self. Throughout the week , each day I visit her brought the products and made a lunch. Zenta eating style is very edacious ,, she came into the kitchen often or always stood behind me , saying , Is it ready’. I put a meal on the table and called to eat a lunch. Zenta smiled and sat down at the table to eat, she ate just a little bit and then quickly stood up and went to another room. I asked : What has happened , are you already fed ... , Zenta language was troubled : I can not be around you because it is dangerous ... , The Zenta was spoken by the demons. The next day when I visited her again , she sat in a chair and said, I must not listen to you . If I listen to you , then Im a fool . Call me a fool , I do not want to be a fool . I said :’ Listen, you , eveil spirtit, one day you will be out of there in the name of Jesus. ‘ Then Zenta said: No, no, I don’t want that! I want you to leave him alone. I am interested in the conversations with him. ……………….. You might say, but she is sick. Yes she has a diagnosis, but it does not interfere with other non-named diagnosis be of demons. Devil sent the demons feed on immorality, anger, unforgiveness, envy, greed-the and list goes on ... Demons just do not enter it without permission, it enters through sin, and sin is what allowed entry unclean spirit. Zenta still opens the Bible to read something, but it gets her difficulties in demons way. In the past, many talked about Zenta Living God, she had fellowship with God in your prayer life, read the Bible, and was an active Christian. But then something happened ... Human cognition is not long enough to sneak into the lives of others and to give his wise advice and unbiblical to say this because ...I know only one thing, the god is rightiosness God. The Bible teaches us, if you wount obey God, the courses will come over you. Deuteronomy Chapter 28:28: The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart Also the word of God talks about, if once you have loved the God, but now you are too proud. God will not let you to make fun of his Word. Rom.1;21,22 „Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,,, What is your life to the Lord? If Jesus is not Lord of your life, then this is the enemy of a lot of laughs and tells jokes-its the devil. The devil sends his demons and stubborn children of God because they are available with the fact that not reading the Word of God. The devil likes Christians who do not know anything about Jesus to shed blood and death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and call themselves Christians. This is a good dollop of Satan. Gods Word warns to surrender to God in the face of the devil and he will flee from us (Jacob.4: 7) Demons are real, who likes to live only in the body if the liberty of. Then when sin shall no longer require permission 1st Peter5; 8,: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,, Remember, the deamons come in to your life throught a sin. Exodus Chapter 20:5: ,, Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,, Maybe you are saying, that you don’t hate God, but time to time you make a litle sin. Then know, sin is a sin, and throught sin you open the doors for deamons. Lets take care of ourselves and unwanted guests. 1 Peter Chapter 1;16 : ‘Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.,, Jesus loves you sincerely, fall inlove with him too. Together with him you are safe and free in his love. Translated by Sunita Dzalbe
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:53:08 +0000

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