Dear All, I have been meaning to do this analysis for quite - TopicsExpress


Dear All, I have been meaning to do this analysis for quite some time now. During the hectic Ramadan, the heavy media buying by both the companies have reminded me every minute of the day i got to tell you all what i think of these two soft drink campaigns. and i think it presents to us an interesting scenario to discuss how novelty of ideas can play an integral part in sales promotion. Here is my take on the Coca Cola verses 7up Campaign. 1. Selling soft drinks in Pakistan with a twist has been long gone since the famous add of yester years where a cow boy sold 7up by simply highlighting the heat thirst and coolness of wild west. Inspiring masses in Pakistanis. All 90s kids remember that add. But unfortunately 7up s awesomeness stopped there. 2. Lifestyle Youth marriages immaculately dresses family .., this imagery has been used so mindlessly in our advertising industry that you don’t know if they are selling you ghee or a sim card or washing powder. Dance has been used by Marlbro s epic epic add combining all folk dances of Pakistan, that’s the genius touch that has been missing now. With every one with a little investment establishing agencies and every one studying media coming into creative departments we have not been able to produce much good work as far as originality of concepts are concerned. We have just gone as far as lets all make this cloth ball dirty , lets try to touch each your nose with your tongue oh you cant? Well you can also not clean your toilet. Or worse lets wipe the toilet with bare hands. Thank God they did nt show people eating off of it. 3. Among such a clutter “Coke “ comes up with this brilliant concept. All hail the God of advertising who had this light bulb moment of integrating every thing Pakistan into this wonderful campaign. Thank You very much for freeing the poor tv of the mindless pakora trollys , the fake silent laughter shots, the dance routines during this Ramadan. 4. The campaigns uniqueness is not only the personalized bottles that will become collectibles. But also the line’”share a coke” touching every ones heart by highlighting the most beautiful relationships that we tend to cherish even more during this holy month. 5. The awesomeness just does not stop here. The PR stunt related to this really blew my mind. And (although I didn’t get one), All of a sudden my news feed was filled up by people posting pictures of the souvenir Coke Bottles with personalized names. And these people have massive followings. So creating a buzz like that was brilliant. What better way of obliging celebs and making them advertise for you for free. 6. Last but not the least whoever was doing talent hunt for this massive campaign is another mighty genius bazooka. The young models in this campaign win your heart straight away by showing remarkable acting skills. Being so spontaneous, so relatable so reality tv like. I was in love of all of these kids. Without their genuine expression this could have fallen flat. Now lets talk about 7up. You guys I am so sorry but why are you so confused. What the oldest add could accomplish with just chips ice and 7up no amount of exaggerating the original by showing the local food and 7 up is going to work again. Think of something new. The actor’s models in the campaign are too fake. Their laughter and lip sync looks so forced and a very stylish guy who looks he is brought up abroad doesnot pass off as a cycle riding guy checking out pinky. In addition to this the music score and the lyrics specially the most confusing and longest line every restricted in “one sur” is “whats a paratha roll without a 7 up yaar” I mean there is not even any weight or wazan in the lyrics. And the fact that it’s the most annoying tune that you keep listening to all day long makes me hate 7 up even more. People at 7 up please look whats happening. Bring in something new, something fresh I as a customer am exposed too much to so much going on in your adds, guy, pinky, dhaba chairlift, young girls, lunch that I don’t even know whats the message. In the end its not food ka love lets try and get a fresh concept for 7 up ka love for some other not so over done thing. Lets hope 7 up brings back something awesome soon. Seriously kaan pak gaye hain or aankahain thak chuki hein. Hats off to Coke for breaking the clutter. Disclaimer: I am totally irrelevant to any of the two companies and I don’t even know the agencies who designed these. I am a Marketer and an avid TV watcher. These are absolutely my personal views.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 21:38:10 +0000

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