Dear Ann Coulter, In your article bashing soccer from many angles, - TopicsExpress


Dear Ann Coulter, In your article bashing soccer from many angles, your definition of sports sounds like you made it up on the spot to support your thesis. You dont play Sports, so your definition is theoretical only, as its not based on the dictionary. The only thing American about your article is freedom of speech. You say soccer is foreign. EVERYTHING in America is foreign except for Native Americans, Ann. You also refer to people as he instead of he or she. Please travel in your time machine with Michael J. Fox to the 1950s before the civil rights movement and where young ladies wore skirts and men fought wars (clearly a time where youd feel more comfortable). Today, tough guys can play cello and women can kickbox. You stated that where someones ancestors were born is a quantitative measure of their Americanism (you joke about how difficult metric measurements are for you to grasp, although with research youd see theyre multiples of 10, making them easy to calculate for humans with ten digits, and yes, that includes the opposable thumb youre so fond of). Your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents werent born here. Neither were mine, but I like to recall that EQUALITY is also an American virtue. America was one of the first nations to put all men are created equal into writing. A notable declaration. By your own argument that In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. Sounds like American politics to me. I am hoping this is comedy writing, but I fear shes serious. Thoughts of Alexander Hamilton are the only thing making me take this in stride. Thanks, Hannah Frank clarionledger/story/opinion/columnists/2014/06/25/coulter-growing-interest-soccer-sign-nations-moral-decay/11372137/
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 07:03:21 +0000

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