Dear Blessed One, Fear is the robber of Faith. God is the Maker - TopicsExpress


Dear Blessed One, Fear is the robber of Faith. God is the Maker of your life. You will make it in his Glory. What he has said will surely come to pass and he will show to you that his Promises will never fail. Great is his faithfulness day by day. He will daily load you with benefits and bless you above your limits. Speak and love what you want to see in life. Expect more from him as he is the supplier of all your needs. The Word is the solution to all your challenges in the World today. “ Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgot him.”Genesis 40:23. Precious Child of God, when Joseph interpreted the dream and said to the Chief butler in Gen. 40:14 “But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house”, a ray of hope might have been kindled in his spirit. He probably began to plan how to start his life afresh. Think about it, a benefactor of your act of benevolence is suddenly a Special Adviser to the President in your country, of course you will expect some help from that person. So Joseph was not wrong to expect a ray of hope; but think of how he must have felt when one week became one month and a month progressed to a year and a year became two years and he heard nothing from the butler again. It is enough to be bitter. He would probably had thought through his past and wonder why it had become a “curse” to live right. He probably remembered many people who did sharp practices and had escaped, yet he was suffering for choosing to be right. Beloved, are you in this position? Don’t give up. Man may forget, but not God. If the butler had remembered Joseph and helped him out of prison, where would they have found him when the King had a dream? You might think you are in a cooler and opportunities are passing you by. Don’t panic, God is keeping you for something greater. Just the same way they sought for Joseph; they will seek for you. The condition will change. You will not end in frustration. Light is coming at the end of the tunnel. Hold on to the promises of God; they will come to pass. Child of God, when the King had a dream, the same butler who had forgotten him remembered and repented. Joseph came out at the right time and it was straight to the palace. When God brings you out, it will be straight to the palace in Jesus’ name. Don’t lose hope; God has not forgotten you. Your expectation will surely come to pass as you serve him faithfully day and night in his Church and Kingdom. Tomorrow is our Refreshing and Testimonies Service. There is also going to be a Special Dedication Service for one of our newly born baby. Time is 10am prompt. Come and enjoy in his presence what The Lord has done. Invite and spread the news about his love and joy in our Service of life and light. See you with mind blowing testimonies! Thought for the Day: Your Labour of Love will surely be remembered. Do not give up in doing good. Devotion signifies a life given or devoted to God. Prayer- Everlasting God, we bow before you this very day, we pray that your grace will locate us when man has forgotten us and help us to stay focus in you in Jesus Name. Amen. Pray for the Grace to love God and do his Will. Pray for bold faith in your walk with The Lord. Pray for Divine surprises in your life daily. Spend time to think about his blessings and Worship him.Win souls for Jesus today. You are Still in his Original Plan. No devil is too strong to cancel his plans over your life. Rejoice and be happy in Christ Jesus. Have a Blessed Weekend, Pastor Portia & Henry Biney.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:16:26 +0000

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