Dear Children of Immortality: We all know that a mighty - TopicsExpress


Dear Children of Immortality: We all know that a mighty elephant can be restrained by a mere rope tied at its feet and this is just because it has been trained for that purpose from its young age. Psychologists go to great extents in explaining this. Our ancient Sanatana Dharma also says the same thing: Mannath karanam bandha mokshayoh (mind is the reason for your bondage and liberation). If you see, the modern day so-called adhyatmika sadhaks are also stuck to life because of small obstacles. I said small obstacles because a problem that really bothers you, does not really bother the other. A problem is only as big as you think it is. No problem of any quantum can really trouble you, unless you let your mind get restrained in your own mental shackles. We do not suffer our problems, in fact, we suffer our mental shackles. The truth is, the difference between what you are and what you think you are, is enough to produce a great difference in your life. If you ask a spiritual person or a true Sri Vidya sadhhak, he would say that 100% of the people are only suffering because they are used to this suffering. All the reasons in the world are just excuses of their mind. If you analyze, our mind constantly and consistently slips into a state of unhappiness. The real disease of a human being is his unhappy mind. If you try to analyze, this state of unhappiness in not only because of a person’s ‘desires’ or ‘attachments’, but also mainly because everyone wants to fit their desires and attachments into the frame work of others or society, which in simple words is called conditioning. You do not entirely suffer from your desires. Desires are not that bad after all. The true root cause of your ongoing life-long suffering is your conditioning. If you see the reflection of the current social condition, it is largely determined by its conditioning and conditions. Scientist Edison said, if we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. What truly is stopping our happiness and what is making our minds repeatedly feel unhappy is our mental conditioning. Mental conditioning is a dynamic mental training process a person undergoes consciously or unconsciously in their lives that in turn instigates people’s thinking in order to optimize or deplete their performance. It true that no building is better than its structural foundation and no man is better than his mental foundation. Reflect on this: Consider that a couple, due to some medical issues, cannot have a child. Won’t their own family and society make their life atrocious? Won’t they be bothered about their society and family, even before entertaining the thought of adoption? Won’t the family and society consider them unfortunate? If all they want is a child, then they can easily get satisfied from adoption. But no, they want their child for two reasons. 1. They will want an ego satisfaction called “their” child. (If you properly analyze, this is purely because of conditioning.) 2. They will fear whether their family will accept the child. (If you properly analyze, this is also purely because of conditioning because they don’t want their happiness, but their happiness in alignment with other’s happiness.) Do they want results or do they want conditions to be fulfilled? Just think, how many children in our country are not allowed to live the life of their dreams and aspirations by the name of family tradition? How much of youth potential is wasted in this country just because they are not trained to ‘think’ independently? (If you see, only those children who have good academic background dare to thread the path chosen by them). How much motivation and emotional support do you think youth is given, if they want to thread a path of adventure? How many woman are oblivious of the fact that they are discriminated and still do not know about it, and does that not talk about their mental conditioning? Every Siddha Sanmarga sadhak experiences inexplicable bliss and joy whenever he feels the connection of his individual soul with his universal soul. Every Siddha Sanmarga sadhak experiences unfathomable flood of cosmic grace almost immediately once he invokes. How many are still stuck with doubt and a feeling of incompetence and helplessness in spite of all those mesmerizing and enchanting experiences? You know, it seems as if it is of no measure of bliss to be well adjusted to a profoundly-sick society person. A person may come to adhyatmikata for any reason, but true adhyatmikata only teaches what scriptures call, “Sriyam” to the person. The word ‘’Sriyam’’ is defined as what a person needs, but not what he desires. Desire is a state which says, I am happy only if I get what I want, and adding “by the way I want” is conditioning. The question is, what are you seeking? Sriyam or desire? I suggest, you first understand what your conditioning is - only then we can speak of choice, success, freedom, and of course – “mukthi”. All problems are usually the symptoms of other personal mental problems in life. A man who has no more problems to solve, is not living. Nature presents everybody with problems in accordance with their “problem-solving skills”. The higher you grow in life, the bigger the problems you get. True spirituality will give you an understanding that a situation is only perceived as a problem as long as the mind is not aligned to the situations. Sri Vidya is a practice or process that first helps the sadhak understand the duplicitous and fissiparous ways of the mind. Sri Vidya sadhaks do not blame the world for their conditioning, but instead every Sri Vidya sadhak is a revolutionary towards his own self and towards the society. He does not say “because of” but always says “in spite off”. He chooses to be happy because he knows the “I am” in him is the fountainhead of happiness and wisdom. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Jai Guru Datta!!!! Atmananda….
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:43:16 +0000

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