Dear Chilren of - TopicsExpress


Dear Chilren of Palestine: ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ I write this letter to you with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.... Im sorry but my words will never be enough to make things right,but I wanted you to know that im sorry,my apology will not offer you much comfort or assure you that things will get better, Im sorry that you didnot watch the world cup as you where to busy trying to stay alive, Im sorry that the beach that was once ur soccer field became your death bed, Im sorry that they mock your agony with posters and selfies, Im sorry that they tried to justify ur deaths with politics, Im sorry that they deprived you of ur childhood, Im sorry that they feel no remorse as they shredd away ur innocent lives, Im sorry..... Im sorry that their leaders openly call for ur death and the world leaders sit idle, Im sorry that they hate you..but there are those that love being one of them, Im sorry that the world only knows you as a statistic, Im sorry that they dont know ur name and that you had a life with dreams... Im sorry it took tweets of celebrities to spark off global awareness of ur suffering... Im sorry that ur life had to be paste on Facebook by people like myself who care just so we cud initiate worldwide awareness of ur suffering and massacre. .. Im sorry that Muslim countries didnt have the back bone to stand up to these Bullies... Im sorry that you would never know ur mother..or...father..or siblings.. Im sorry that they found you guilty of being born Palestinian and locked you away in the largest open air prison in the world.... Im sorry that ur Sahoor could be on earth but ur Iftaar in Jannah... Im sorry that food and water is so scarce. .as they want to starve you to death... Im sorry you had to burry ur best frend b4 u could learn to spell ur name... I’m sorry the most that world leaders have offered you are empty words of condemnation in response to attacks that left you paralyzed. I’m sorry that you’ve grown so accustom to violence that gunshots no longer make you flinch ... I’m sorry your eyes hurt from doing your homework by candlelight because they cut the electricity... I’m sorry you’re dehydrated because they cut and poisoned your water supply... I’m sorry they burned you alive once with white phosphors and again when they forced gasoline down your throat.. I’m sorry you can’t learn how to ride a bike because the streets are filled with the rubble of what use to be your home... I’m sorry you will never know the calm of a suburb because you live in a refugee camp, an outsider in your own home. I’m sorry you will never know the awkwardness of a first kiss, the magic of falling in love or the pain of breakup... I’m sorry that the only rejection you have experienced is the world turning their back on you. I’m sorry that after years of trying to conceive a child the world actually believes that your parents would use you as a human shield... I’m sorry that your father will not be able to give you away on your wedding day because he has been imprisoned indefinitely with no charge and no trial I’m sorry you will never travel the world because to them your passport doesn’t offer a legitimate place of origin. I’m sorry they’ve dictated almost every aspect of your life to make you miserable. I’m sorry all of your baby pictures were destroyed when they bulldozed your home. I’m sorry you will never get to experience the stress of exams or the joy of receiving a college diploma. I’m sorry you can’t hear the chants of protesters in around the world demanding your freedom, demanding your right to live... I’m sorry you can’t see the Tweets and Facebook posts of love, solidarity, and remorse we have for you. I’m sorry the world has been desensitized to murder, to genocide, to ethnic cleansing. I’m sorry you have been vilified and you haven’t even learned how to hate. I’m sorry you may not even live to read this letter... I’m sorry you left this world before I got chance to know you. I’m sorry that world is not listening, watching, or caring... I’m sorry they lost their humanity. I’m sorry the human population has failed you. I’m sorry you don’t know that we are not all like them.I’m truly, deeply sorry.... But do know that we love you and you are in our hearts and duas every day... Love and tight hugs from me to you♥ Khatija Suleman — at Durban South Beach
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 08:49:22 +0000

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