Dear Comrades, Today i came back to Sweden. During my stay from - TopicsExpress


Dear Comrades, Today i came back to Sweden. During my stay from 23/8-12/10 in the kurdish cities among the yezidi people, mostly in Zaxo and Duhok districts but also in suilaimani, Ghaladezeh and in Silopi on the other side of the turkish border gave me a chance to see, hear, feel, experience thousand of stories, each one more inhuman, more horrible than the other. We were forced out of our home.The men were heavily beaten and forced down on their knees. I was standing barely two meters from my husband and my older son.I had my younger son, who is one year old holding him tight in my arms. The men who were there, were heavily armed. They were speaking in different languages.They had a frightening look. their eyes were filled with horror. I was scared.I didn’t know what to do. I was just looking at my son who were on his knees with his tiny arms tied from behind and had totally forgotten about my husband. Soon there were many more men on the same line as my husband.All forced down on their knees, and their hands tied from behind. Time went by very fast. All the women were lined up just infront of their husbands, brothers, sons. As if they wanted us to witness some horrible scenario. There were some shooting in the air.My heart started to beat fast, I got dizzy and held my son as strong as I could. The tears started to run down my cheeks, I knew that this will be the last time for me to see my husband and my son who is 5 years old. One of the black clothed man came behind my husband. He put the gun at his head and shot husband fell down on the ground with his eyes open. I fainted. When I woke up. I saw my son dead lying there on the ground, just by his father.His pure face, and tiny arms were there, but they were not moving anymore.He was dead. The truth is among the Yezidi people. The truth is living with them under the tents, in the school yards, parks, semi-finished buildings, in the huge camps that lack basic human needs. The truth is hidden in the small pauses that each yezidi man, women and children make after you ask them the questions what happened on the 3/8? I did leave my pure Yezidi people for some reasons, which is highly personal. I felt helpless, exhausted, disappointed in humanity and highly disgusted by the politic that did force and put the the Yezidi people through this barbaric act of violence. I deeply admire you all for you support.I want to hug you all. Warmest hugs to each one of you Hawar Moradi
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 15:05:36 +0000

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