Dear Democratic Party, youve made your bed now the republicans - TopicsExpress


Dear Democratic Party, youve made your bed now the republicans have put you to sleep. 6 years ago something very interesting happened. The United States (however you choose to define it) elected a demographically atypical president. He had overwhelming support from the citizens of this country and ushered in a renaissance of passion and excitement into international politics. Virtually the entire word celebrated this decision. finally America had shown that it could grow and understood the repercussions of the mistakes of the previous 8 years. What followed was nothing short of shocking. Suddenly corporately funded, minority, radical rightwing groups sprang up and began to shout. The shouts of the few drowned out the level headed voices of the many. In keeping with their legacy of cowardice to that point, democrats in the government began kowtow to these extremists and sell out the newly elected president and the American citizens. Sliding further and further to the center and away from true liberal thought. For the first act; the extremely popular idea of universal healthcare was shouted down by the rightwing and cowardly democrats alike, afraid of what might happen to them if they supported this most unusual of presidents. What we ended up with was a universal windfall for insurance companies (who still complained thinking they could get even more and did) and a mandate that ties us all to them for life. Tantamount to giving the wolf the keys to the hen house. Seeing how effective the incessant shouts from the extreme far right minority were. the party of No was invigorated and democrats began their policy of tuck and run. For the last 5+ years the Democratic Party has been running away screaming from the president and anything and anyone who was on his side. The president who (partially) oversaw the recovery of the American auto industry, began (atleast in name) to pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, oversaw the recovery of Wall Street which is now enjoying record highs, economic recovery from a major recession, recovery in the housing market, Consistent employment growth from day one, repeal of dont ask dont tell, and the list goes on. All because of the screaming voices in their head and a growing culture of greed and cowardice. All because the president didnt want to placate fellow politicians and play political games with the lives of Americans and citizens of the world. Now dont get me wrong this is far from an endorsement for the president. I think that he showed weakness by not fighting hard enough on several issues. And for several outright shitty policies. But the fact of the matter is, he was never given the opportunity to succeed and we are all paying for this. Anytime your own party overwhelmingly votes down gun control legislation that was supported by 97% of the electorate. We can safely say that the Democratic Party is a cancer or better yet consuming its self and it seems that it has finally had its fill. Atleast we can find solace in to fact that politics always finds equilibrium in the status quo. #OmarisWordsOfWisdom #democrats #2014elections #congress
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:02:24 +0000

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