Dear Facebook, Of all the bonehead ideas youve ever tried to - TopicsExpress


Dear Facebook, Of all the bonehead ideas youve ever tried to cram down my throat, having to install an entire other app just to read my Facebook messages is a new low. Yes, youve been warning me for a while that it was coming, accompanied by confusing picture of that suitcase weasel, so its no surprise that the function is now non-functional...... but heres the rub: I dont need it, I dont want it, and 20% faster messages is by far the lamest excuse for attempting to co-op the current existing function of my phone youve ever come up with. Let me get the concept of this straight... If somebody wants to send me a message they dont want to post on my wall for all to see, they must close Facebook, open the Facebook messenger app, write me the message, send, then go back to Facebook to continue anything else they were doing. I then receive an alert in the first app to open said second app to read the message received. So, I have to stop looking at Facebook to go wait in Facebook messenger purgatory while we each wait for the other to type out our next responses. The only bonus is, once those messages are sent, we will receive them 20% faster than the nearly-real-time speed they were already appearing in the regular Facebook app as of yesterday. See, my problem is, dear Facebook, I already have that. Its called text messaging, and its half of the reason I ever got a phone in the first place. Youve mistaken artificially bolstering your own usage share for convenience to me. Again. So, in conclusion, congratulations on your new messenger app (Im sure youve got AOL running scared), but Im afraid I will not be installing it. If any friends want to tell me something private, but have no other method of contacting me, they can ask me for my freaking phone number. Xoxo, Dustin B P.S. Maybe instead of building new apps, you could try to keep your bunk-ass Pages app that you decided to force me to use last year from crashing every ten seconds. Just a thought.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:22:16 +0000

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