Dear Fellow Residents of Ward 5 Playford City Council I am - TopicsExpress


Dear Fellow Residents of Ward 5 Playford City Council I am running for a seat on your local council. I migrated to Australia in 1959 with my parents. I grew up in Elizabeth, went to school in Elizabeth and worked in Elizabeth. My late wife was an Elizabeth girl. We have 3 grown boys, all born in Elizabeth. My hobbies include gardening, fishing, travelling, and cooking. I was a member of St John Ambulance Playford Division. I served in The Australian Army. I have been on school councils and was a Neighbourhood Watch Zone leader in Elizabeth North. I am running for council as I, along with other older Elizabeth people, are not happy with the way Elizabeth is looking today. I want Elizabeth to go back to our grass roots with well-kept playing fields and roads, a safe place for our kids to play. I feel past councils have failed to do. I feel there is a lot more that can be done about the crime rate in ward 5. Therefore I will be working closely with the state Member Mr Lee Odenwalder and Federal member Mr Nick Champion to make Elizabeth a safe place to live, work and play and to bring up your children. Neighbourhood Watch was a good scheme and in its heyday worked well, and therefore I will be pushing to have this scheme kick started again, with the funding needed from the state and local governments. On Social Housing I do not believe this is good for Public Housing tenants and putting pressure on the State Government to stop selling HousingSA housing stocks. HousingSA tenants have lived in their homes for many years and for a N.F.P. organisation to run public housing is nothing more a money grab from the state government and puts added pressures on tenants. Your elected councillors Ms M. Baker and Mr M. Joy have done nothing for you in the past 4 years, we have heard nothing apart from a small piece in The News Review regarding upgrading the appearance of Older Elizabeth. I read that piece as nothing more than bulldozing and rebuilding granted there are a few homes that need to be bulldozed and re-built. Don’t get me wrong I am not against progress and change, what I am against is change that disrupts people’s lives and living arrangements. Let the tenants dictate their living arrangement not Local or State Governments. At the opening of the ALP Election Campaign Jay Wetherill announced that the Gawler train line would be electrified as far as Salisbury! What a joke. What do people travelling to other stops beyond Salisbury do? Change trains? Therefore I will be pushing to have the entire line to Gawler electrified. I will also be pushing for better Pubic Transport with more trains stopping at stations like Elizabeth South along the said line. We should also be improving the bus services in and around Elizabeth with more buses going to Tea Gully and Adelaide. I will also be pushing for traffic lights at the corner of John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road in Elizabeth Vale. To get half this work done, or at least started, in my first term as your Councillor, I need your vote. I ask you to vote 1 for James Fox (Phil) later this year. If you have any other problems please do not be hesitate to contact me on 0427388492 or email me at philipfox3@gmail I look forward to working for you James (Phil) Fox
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:23:20 +0000

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