Dear Finish Quantum, I am not a feminist. I am not a rabid - TopicsExpress


Dear Finish Quantum, I am not a feminist. I am not a rabid womens rights campaigner. I am, however, still offended by your TV advertisement, particularly the endorsement: recommended by Australian mums. Also, why on your website do you feature only women in your feature photos and advertisements? Seriously?? Is it that you didnt bother asking the men what they thought of your product because are too incompetent to recognise a good detergent when they see one and therefore their opinion doesnt count? Or is it because you consider dish washing to be the job of a woman, a nod to the get back in the kitchen where you belong mentality? And why MUMS? What is it about my ability to procreate that suddenly makes me an expert on dish washing? What super-power did I acquire that placed me above my male and childless female friends? I would rather argue that when one becomes the parent a certain close-enough-is-good-enough mentality kicks in and as long as the dishes come out cleaner than they went in its good enough for me. My wonderful husband on the other hand (who is the primary user of the dishwasher in our household I might point out) is far more particular about the cleanliness of our dishes. Instead of promoting a nauseating 1950s stereotype (whether intentional or not), how about you acknowledge the wonderful contributions men are are putting in to share the load? Why is an endorsement from Australian men or non-parents unacceptable? Or why not simply avoid any mention of gender at all? Number one detergent recommended by Australians still has a nice ring dont you think? (rant over)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 05:55:49 +0000

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