Dear Friends, Civic Sector of EuroMaidan representatives are - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Civic Sector of EuroMaidan representatives are in the Delegation in Strasbourg taking part in PACE events. From what we heard, we are really concerned about Resolution on Urgent Debates on Ukraine, which will be tomorrow. Unfortunately, EU officials are getting incorrect and sometimes manipulated messages. We would like to drag worlds attention to some facts and statement before voting. This is the text we are passing to PACE members. SOS UKRAINE!!! BEFORE YOU VOTE ON THE PACE RESOLUTION ON UKRAINE CONSIDER THIS: 1. Anti-protest laws cancellation didnt stop the activists repressions. After the laws cancellation on Wednesday night (29 January) 20 people were detained in Kirovohrad and 2 activists of the EuroMaidan movement in Zaporizhya kidnapped. Arrests, disappearances and attacks have been taking place throughout the country ever since the EuroMaidan peaceful protests began on Nov 21. Following the murder of Yury Verbystky, abducted from hospital on Jan 22, two more bodies were found frozen with hands tied, at least 27 activists are missing, including prominent civic leader Dmytro Bulatov. 2. Anti-protest laws cancellation is NOT signed by the Parliament speaker and President. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers has also taken measures to both extend the powers of Berkut riot police, and increase their numbers by 6 times. Since Berkut have been involved in violent suppression of peaceful protests, this is a worrying development. Also, the non official orders to enforce the state of emergency are getting to state authorities. 3. Tonight (from 00:00, 29 January), Russia renewed economical blockade of Ukraine. The Customs Service of the Russian Federation begin to apply the regime of 100% inspection of goods imported from Ukraine. The Ukrainian companies (crude oils and fats) are facing problems on the Russian border today. 4. There are no violent provocateurs, nazis, or military within the Euromaidan movement! Euromaidan is a multicultural democratic movement. Any provocations, which are reported in mass media are organized by authorities to win the informational battle. Please be aware of this! Dont be manipulated! 5. Targeted financial sanctions, visa banning and blocking of the personal accounts of the Ukrainian officials who violate human rights - is the effective measure. Europe should fulfill FATF rules and do financial investigations. But not hiding bloody and stolen from Ukrainian people money in its monetary system. AS YOU DEBATE AT PACE - MOTHERS ARE FINDING THEIR CHILDREN DEAD, FROZEN WITH ROPES ON HANDS IN FORESTS, ACTIVISTS ARE BEING KIDNAPPED FROM THE HOSPITALS! UKRAINE IS FLOODED WITH TERROR AND NO ONE IS BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE! YOUR POLITICIAN CAN SAVE THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT LIFES! Prepared by the activists of EUROMAIDAN BEFORE YOU VOTE ON THE PACE RESOLUTION ON UKRAINE: 1. U-turn on EU Integration The announcement on Nov 21 that Ukraine’s government was abandoning plans for the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement was in breach of Ukrainian legislation, as well as the President’s and Party of the Regions pre election commitments. It led to the peaceful protest movement now known as EuroMaidan. 2. Reaction There were no realistic attempts at dialogue from the authorities, only unconvincing imitation. Instead repressive measures were applied, as well as excessive violence, with the most shocking cases being on Nov 30 and Dec 11. There have been arbitrary arrests and detention of peaceful protesters and journalists covering the events . Violence is increasingly used both by Berkut riot police and by hired thugs who appear to be working closely in coordination with the police (titushki). The savage attack on journalist and civic activist Tetyana Chornovol made world headlines, but it is not an isolated case. More than a hundred journalists have suffered, and there have recently been indications that journalists have been deliberately targeted. Doctors trying to help injured protesters have themselves come under attack. All of this is taking place against a background of court bans on peaceful protest, pressure from the traffic police, tax and other authorities. There have even been direct threats from the Ministry of Culture to strip the Greek Catholic Church of its registration (and ability to function) if priests continue to support peaceful protesters. 3. Russian influence Over the last six months Russia has exerted considerable pressure on Ukraine in an attempt to stop its integration with the EU. This has included among other things an economic blockade. It is significant that Russia’s response to the revoking on Jan 28 of the anti-protest laws was to immediate reinstate the blockade (as on midnight Jan 29). Instead of EU integration, the president has engaged in non-transparent and effectively secret negotiations with Russia, with the public not informed about agreements reached and concessions made. 4. Dictatorship, anti protest law and violation After 2 months of repressive measures and violence did not stop the protests, Ukraine’s leaders resorted on Jan 16 to draconian anti-protest legislation. The laws were “adopted” with complete disregard for procedure and in breach of Ukraine’s Constitution and legislation. They envisaged huge penalties up to 15 years in prison for forms of peaceful protest. These laws were revoked in an apparent concession to the protesters on Jan 28. Repressive measures incontinued unabated, and while parliament was revoking those laws, the cabinet of ministers issued decrees extending the powers and number of Berkut riot police. 5.Are there radicals on Maidan? There are constant attempts to present maidan some kind of extreme-fashist-nationalistic organization. We would respectfully note that Maidan demands has been supported by church groups, medgelise tatars, Association of jewish organizations and communities. Among killed protesters there are young man from Belarus whose parents came as refugeItes to Ukraine from political prosecution. Euromaidan is multicultural and democratic movement which needs your support. Any information about extremists and others is the part of the informational war the authorities and third parties are continuing to discreditate Euromaidan movement. We ask honorable members of PACE that Maidan was and remains peaceful movement. Ukrainians express legitimate right to choose their future and their future is based on European values.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:15:08 +0000

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