Dear Friends: I have now begun a Webinar Commentary on The Rays - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends: I have now begun a Webinar Commentary on The Rays and the Initiations, Part II. This section of the book deals with the five, seven and even nine initiations in a definitely occult manner. It follows upon the Fourteen Rules for Disciples and Initiates. I would advise any students who have not studied the Fourteen Rules to do so. You may be assisted in this by the written commentary I have provided to be found on the Makara Website-- This material is deep and demanding, but worth the effort for all who wish to move towards the Hierarchy as souls. I hope you will derive something of value from following this type of video programming. Light, Love and Power, Michael Robbins You can find the files here: ++++++++++++++++++ Content for The Rays and the Initiations, Part II Webinar Commentary, Program 1, 1hr. In this first program I offer an introduction of the work to be done and the work already done. Master DK reviews the work He has accomplished in the five volume set of A Treatise on the Seven Rays, and the particular focus of each of these books. He outlines what He proposes to accomplish in this His last, and from some angles, His most advanced book. He proposes to discuss the antahkarana, the Way of Higher Evolution and the higher initiations which present themselves as possibilities to the advancing Master of the Wisdom. What was only hinted vaguely in previous teaching, He now intends to make more explicit. It is clear that He is writing principally for advanced disciples and initiates, but much of value can be gathered by lesser groups of disciples who study this book in group formation. Content for The Rays and the Initiations, Part II Webinar Commentary, Program 2, 1hr. In this second program Master DK informs us that only love will open the Door to the Way of Higher Evolution. He encourages us to love our fellow human beings ever more deeply and to let our light shine in a dark place. He also outlines the various subjects He will cover in this second part of The Rays and the Initiations. He advises on the best methods of study-including the method of topical study. He also speaks of the Great War (1914-1945) and how it has cleansed humanity sufficiently to allow for the Externalization of the Hierarchy so that God may once again walk among men as in old Atlantean days. He closes this section with confirmation of the value of Masonry to prepare for the Restoration of the Mysteries. Content for The Rays and the Initiations, Part II Webinar Commentary, Program 3, 1hr. In this third program Master DK continues to discuss the nature of the Mysteries and the amazing types of revelation which will emerge through them-including the great Mystery of Electricity. Despite the terrible suffering through which humanity has recently passed and through which it is now passing, release into a far better world characterized by Christ-Consciousness is imminent. DK works at decentralizing human consciousness by explaining that the Spiritual Hierarchy too is passing through a great crisis which necessitates its externalization. Hierarchys progress involves a dual movement-embracing the planes of the spiritual triad and towards Shamballa as well as towards the lower three worlds. Humanity must learn its place and relationships to the other kingdoms of nature-which thus far, it does not realize. All kingdoms of nature are advancing in their own way and have their own objectives. The Hierarchy will appear on Earth again, after millions of years, as an act of sacrificial service, but it will also advance Hierarchys great step forward towards its next initiatory goal. Hierarchys externalization is a group recapitulation of incarnated process. Content for The Rays and the Initiations, Part II Webinar Commentary, Program 4, 1hr. In this fourth program Master DK continues to discuss the spiritual goals of the Hierarchy itself as opposed to the goals for humanity. The powerful effect of Stanza Two of the Great Invocation (upon Hierarchy and not upon humanity) are also mentioned. Certain energy flows concern only Hierarchy and are retained within Hierarchy, never reaching humanity at all. All B/beings in cosmos are in the process of moving forward and this, humanity must remember. In this book the effects of the rays upon the various initiations will be discussed in a broad and general way. Master DK will not repeat all the technical information which He has scattered throughout His books-dispersing and scattering such information to protect the unready and unwary from a correlated presentation of the information. He informs us that it is changes in the etheric body itself which allow the disciple /initiate to experience the revelations of the Mysteries. The impartation of information is necessary but is not the way revelation occurs. The three words Experiment, Experience and Expression are then discussed in relation to the process of initiation. These words also have a higher meaning in relation to the life of those within the Spiritual Hierarchy-the Masters of the Wisdom. Although all initiates have to make the same type of experiments, have generally the same type of experiences and have to express the new energies of which they are aware, there are certain ray differences of approach and certain reactions which have not been generally studied and which are significant. The idea of the wheel turning upon itself is discussed; each initiation brings a particular chakra into such a fourth dimensional condition. The Reversal of the Wheel is mentioned in this context as is the function of the zodiac of constellations in relation to the One About Whom Naught May Be Said; it is the heart-in-the-head center of that Great Being. Content for The Rays and the Initiations, Part II Webinar Commentary, Program 5, 1hr. In this fifth program we tackle one of the most important pages in the entire book-page 340, on which the nine initiations are listed along with the ray or rays conditioning them, the centers involved and the three key ideas which characterize them. This tabulation gives an indispensable overview of the entire initiatory process and provides a vast quantity of food for thought and speculation. We have often referred to this tabulation in other programs and will continue to do so. The full explanation of that which is found on page 340 will be given later in the book when each initiation is discussed individually. Content for The Rays and the Initiations, Part II Webinar Commentary, Program 6, 1hr 2mins. In this sixth program the Tibetan speaks in depth of the process of group initiation and its individual implications for those who are participating in that process. Certain factors prevail for such individuals: often identicality of soul ray; recognition on the outer plane of a deep subjective relationship; passing through similar tests based on their similar spiritual status and upon the frictional aspects of their personality rays; and a shared spiritual enterprise. Initiation is a soul recognition and not a personality recognition. DK works to clarify our understanding of initiation as it really is and not as we have imagined it to be, based upon earlier more orthodox Theosophical teaching. Initiation is based on soul recognition, inclusivity and renunciation. Michael, as always, sends his ongoing encouragement for your study and assimilation of the Ageless Wisdom. In brotherhood, Brett Mitchell
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:12:25 +0000

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