Dear Friends and Family. I just wanted to share with you a - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Family. I just wanted to share with you a product that is helping me and so many others become healthier. For the past 15+ years I have had constant stomach issues and the past few years major, major sleep issues, exhaustion, hot flashes, lower back pain, knee pain, numbness/tingling in legs and feet, weight gain, high A1c levels (Type 2 diabetes), high cholesterol and out of range lipids. Diabetes runs in my family, my Father and Sister both had Type 1 diabetes. My doctor said if I don’t get things under control, insulin shots was my next step. That is not an option I want to have to choose. I have been to many doctors for all of these issues and have been on medication for years for some of my aliments but medication has only helped minimally. I also had radioactive iodine treatment 20+ years ago to remove my thyroid and have been on medication since then. Now I know you may say well all you have to do is lose weight AND some of my issues will be resolved. Well I did successfully lose weight a couple/three years ago and while I was smaller and back to my ‘before kids’ size ALL my other symptoms/issues were still there…go figure! I’ve even been to Homeopathic Doctors and have done allergy testing, food elimination, shots, etc. and still nothing resolved any of my previously mentioned issues. NOW I feel so much better and all I can say is thank you Plexus and Sharon! Now this isn’t something I just jumped into. I noticed my friend Sharon posted a couple of things about Plexus on her Facebook and in the beginning I would just scroll through (sorry Sharon lol) but after some time and seeing amazing testimonials I was curious so I asked about the Pink Drink and other products Plexus offered. So she shared information of her health issues with me and how the products have helped her and she is now off of the medications she was taking for a number of things. I like many was still skeptical because we all have at one time or another felt like we have tried everything. I think it was about 6 months before I finally agreed to give it a try and I am so glad I did. I have been taking the products for about 2 months and I’ve lost 8 lbs which I know seems minimal to some but we all lose differently however what I’ve gained is this: *I NOW sleep through the night ALL night and my husband even noticed because he said (before Plexus) every time I woke up he would wake up which meant he didn’t sleep through the night either. I wasn’t just getting up to get a drink of water I was getting up because of hot flashes, back pain, numbness and tingling in my legs to the point that the discomfort woke me up and I couldn’t get back to sleep. *I have more energy in the morning and all day hence sleeping ALL night. *After about 2 weeks on the products my stomach issues are NON existent. I’m still in awe of this. *I have NO more numbness/tingling in my legs and feet. *I have no hot flashes at night and very rarely have them at all. *My back and knee pain has decreased dramatically which means I also stopped taking over the counter pain meds at night to try and help me sleep as well. I also would take Melatonin to help me sleep and I haven’t had to take that either. I will have my routine bloodwork done in December and am very curious to see the results of being on the products and hopeful that I will be able to eliminate taking medications for my cholesterol and diabetes as SO many others have. I know some will say well all you have to do is…….well sometimes it’s not as easy for some as it may be for others and a little extra help is needed. Naturally with anything you have to still make good choices and continue to watch what you eat and try to do some form of exercise. Plexus helps regulate your blood sugar and gut health so that you dont crave sugar and carbs as much (and especially those that crave soda!) which makes it easier to adjust to a healthier diet. And everyone needs a good probiotic, regardless of their eating habits. Plexus Slim is NOT a quick fix nor a diet pill. It is a natural health and wellness product(s) that was actually developed for Type 2 Diabetics to help them lower their blood sugars and there has been tremendous success. Plexus products helps you make better choices and their Probiotic/BioCleanse product is also helping people get a clean gut which helps with autoimmune issues such as fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, Crohns, ADD/ADHD, eczema. Plexus is NOT a cure for any illness/disease and as always please get your doctors permission as you start any new health regimen regarding your health. If you need product ingredients to bring to your doctor send me a message and I will be more than happy to provide the information for you. I also have another member of my family on a couple of the products and they are having very good results but I will have to get permission before disclosing their story.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:01:23 +0000

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