Dear Friends in Egypt and in the USA, Please bare with me and try - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends in Egypt and in the USA, Please bare with me and try to read this to the end then tell me what you all think. For those of you who are not yet aware, History is being written right now in Egypt. This land where History was born continues to show that History still lives there. In Egypt a civilization enlightened the world thousands of years ago. Then again, while Europe wondered around unguided in the dark ages, Alexandria, Egypt and its library were a beacon of light in a dark world. From Egypt also other things emerged. The Muslim Brotherhood which developed in Egypt in the beginning of the 20th century became the origin from which other religion based movements have emerged around the world. Although they have a bloody history full of acts of violence and terrorism, from suicide bombing to the assassination of president Sadat after signing the peace treaty with Israel, they were for the past 30 years or more under the thumb of the Police in Egypt and largely working behind the scenes. They appeared as the contrite organization that is trying to stay peaceful while unable to control the violent branches that emerged from it and spread around the globe. They were viewed by most kind hearted Egyptians as a group that renounced violence but remained oppressed by the government. After the revolution in Egypt 2 years ago, the MB was successful in convincing the Egyptians to reluctantly elect one of them for the office of president and hence came the current president Morsy. Shortly after he was inaugurated, the real face of this criminal organization started to appear. People now understand that they are not what they claimed for years. That they are not the peaceful, misunderstood Muslims who just want to do good for the country. Egypt realized in less than one year that those liars hijacked religion only to justify their actions and fulfill their sick and perverted needs. Rather than working for good and peace like we all in the Middle East have always seen Islam, they breached hatred and discrimination against anyone they saw as a threat to their power. People recognized quickly the disgusting rhetoric they used to try to incite Muslims against Christians and vice versa. The most wonderful thing I witnessed in the past year was how an organization that tried so zealously to divide the country into Muslims against Christians, was in fact very successful in dividing the country but into Egyptians and Muslim Brotherhood members. Those who planted a seed of hate today are harvesting their crop. For the first time a revolution that is announced in advance. Watch Egypt and pray for her people who are determined on the 30th of this month of June for the year 2013 to remove these criminals and former terrorists from power. By the grace of God they will succeed and cleanse Egypt from this fundamentalist organization who did not bring to Egypt or the world anything other than suffering and terror. Watch on June 30th how the Egyptians will pull the root of this evil plant out of the ground and leave it to wither and die, then God willing the branches will follow. And like this destructive parasitic plant emerged from Egypt, the Egyptians will write its last chapter there. Pray for Egypt to emerge from this debacle a new beautiful bride again like she has always done in the past when her people are tested. God bless you and thanks for reading. Ahmed Dokmak
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 20:43:01 +0000

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