Dear Harris County Precinct 2 Voter, In response to a recent - TopicsExpress


Dear Harris County Precinct 2 Voter, In response to a recent news report related to my campaign, I offer more insight to the story. On December 6, 2013, I submitted my name to The Harris County Republican Party to become your Republican Candidate for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 2, Place 2. Part of the requirement to become a Justice, a candidate must pay a filing fee and submit a Petition for Judicial Office to the local party. The Petition is a collection of signatures from registered voters of the Precinct who pledge to vote in the Republican Primary. As with most candidates seeking office, prior to the filing, I contracted a Marketing Company to help manage portions of my campaign. That Company contracted a third-party vendor to help collect the signatures required on the Petition. It is my understanding this third-party vendor has performed similar tasks in the past for candidates of both parties. After submitting the petitions and the deadline passed for challenging any signatures, concerns apparently were raised by my opponent. I learned today through the news reporter’s interview, my opponent has objected to at least five pages of the 49 pages submitted by my campaign to the Harris County Republican Party. I understand according to the news report, these objections are due to some names on the petitions possibly being forged by the independent contractors hired by the third-party vendor. Let me make this positively clear, I had no knowledge of how the third-party vendor conducted his business, nor that of the third-party vendor’s hired contractors. Had I remotely knew there was the possibility of misconduct of anyone, I would have immediately taken action to report issue to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office myself. Since these allegations have been made, I have formally requested the Harris County District Attorney to investigate this matter; a meeting is scheduled with an investigator next week. I appreciate my opponent bringing this matter to light; apparently he felt it was important to air it in the media. Despite my opponent’s objections, I am assured by the Harris County Republican Party I am still on the March 4th ballot as your Republican Candidate for Justice of the Peace - Precinct 2, Place 2. Reminder: Early voting begins in one month, I am asking for your vote.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 04:58:43 +0000

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