Dear Lord, Sometimes we are called on to do hard things in - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord, Sometimes we are called on to do hard things in life... things like use tough love or set boundaries. Sometimes we have to watch people self-destruct and all we can do is watch and pray. Sometimes we have to walk away from a group, project or a ministry, even though it is a good thing...just so we can do the best thing, that youve called us to do. Sometimes we have to speak the truth in love, knowing that it may cost us a relationship if the person wont take it well... but we know to remain silent will have an even greater cost for us spiritually, if we dont speak up and try to help. Lord, sometimes we have to make a choice and we know we wont win with any choice we make... but we have to pick the one that is the best out of all the options we are faced with. Sometimes we have to make choices to protect our children from harmful situations that perhaps outsiders or family wont understand... There are many challenges we face Lord...many choices...things that require wisdom and discernment. We ask that you would help us and grant us your wisdom, discernment and knowledge, Lord. Help us to make the right decisions when they come up. Lead us and guide us in your truth. Help us to hear your voice, that we might stay in the center of your will. Help us to care more about what you think, than what others think about us. Help us to weigh everything in light of what you would do and in light of what would be most pleasing to you. Help us to shrug off harsh judgments and hurtful words that pierce our hearts like arrows. Be our shield and our fortress, Lord in such difficult times. May your promises be a soothing balm to our wounds. We ask for comfort when we have to make those choices that leave us raw and hurting. We know you walk beside us and you are proud of us Lord when we do the right things...especially when they are difficult. Give us courage Lord. Help us to have Holy boldness. May our sole desire be to please you and to hear you say, Well, done, good and faithful servant. Help us to be wise and kind with our words. Help us to not react in anger or out of pride. Help us to be meek and may only edifying words that glorify you, come from our mouths. May we constantly be dying to our old man so that you will be glorified in us. Lord, we know nothing is impossible with you and we can do all things through you. For all of our difficult situations we ask that you would bind the enemy and we know that you will work for good what he meant for harm. Thank you that we need not face any situation alone because we can call on your name. We love you Lord. We know everything we have is because of you and we are grateful beyond words for your gifts. We lift our lives and our praise to you today Lord. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:56:53 +0000

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