Dear Mr Cameron, Paid humans are now a vast inconvenience and - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr Cameron, Paid humans are now a vast inconvenience and where technology can take over, it has, and a weak economy has a disastrous effect on work that is increasingly centred around service industries. Where once human workers were the driving force of industry and commerce, modern good business practise gets rid of such expense, replacing it with cheap technology. Even the language has been changed to suit industry, where once workers were personnel, they are now just another resource. Humans have now achieved parity with steel, cotton, rubber or plastic and even been degraded to merely being HR. I am not a well man, Mr Cameron, Ive needed help all my life, so I dont attack helpless people the way you and your vastly ignorant government do. In fact sick and disabled people are a huge source of employment and of vast profits for big pharma amongst many other businesses. Sick and disabled people are better than you because in my experience they tend to have the biggest hearts, whereas bigotry and prejudice seems to flourish in the well and comfortably off. You are so pig ignorant that you think its all about money. Your government is the worst government in UK history because you care nothing for people. You are as ignorant as the day is long. A spoilt useless eater, breathing free oxygen that you dont seem to even have the human capacity to appreciate. You support the money markets and instead of helping humanity you punish us for our very existence. I am sick, disabled, ill, call it what you like, but I am nowhere even close to your sickness; your vile inhuman disease. You want me and people like me dead, but you dont even have the courage to kill me in person, you give lucrative contracts to private companies to do your dirty work for you. Because work has become increasingly redundant for human beings, you and the markets, who regard us as merely a labour pool or stock, consider us to be redundant, a burden on the markets. Democracy, if we ever had it, is dead, all we have now is a kleptocracy. You call that government and the free markets, I call it sick.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 20:56:27 +0000

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