Dear Mr. Creationist – First of all, evolution IS a science. - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. Creationist – First of all, evolution IS a science. There have been many instances of observed speciation, for instance observed instance of evolutionary shift in the lab - newscientist/article/dn14094-bacteria-make-major-evolutionary-shift-in-the-lab.html#.U3zrwvldUml, observed speciation - phylointelligence/observed.html#speciation and Stickleback Evolution - and It is a scientific theory, actually. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method, and repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation.[1][2] As with most (if not all) forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and aim for predictive power and explanatory force. [3][4] [] evolutionary theory is a way to best explain the facts of biology. there is massive amounts of evidence supporting it, and it hasnt been falsified as of yet. gravity is a theory ( the germ theory of disease is a theory (britannica/EBchecked/topic/230610/germ-theory) discarding evolution because its considered a scientific theory is like throwing away gravity, the idea that germs make us sick, and most of modern medicine and vaccines. Aerodynamics is a theory too -kasravi/cmu/tec452/aerodynamics/aerotheory.htm so dont use planes any more. It was more than one mans theory, Darwin proposed the idea and through new evidence, argument, and repeatable falsifiable experimentation that theory has grown by leaps and bounds to give us Ten great advances in evolution - He references a “cosmic bang” that doesn’t have anything to do with biological evolution. A lot of this is cleared up in the youtube playlist origins made easy - https://youtube/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX8RpvQfjdupAKFWKjtMhTe a lot of that has references of articles and studies, and the creator of the playlist is pretty good about responding with more references if needed. He also mentions that one cell is created, which again doesn’t have anything to do with evolution but rather abiogenesis. There are several ideas described in https://youtube/watch?v=XhWds7djuWo and https://youtube/watch?v=W3ceg--uQKM&list=PLeXWnsUdWJ1EX9Adne9DwC_YtshoS1rf6. He said we mysteriously develop wills and characteristics, this is a philosophical point not a biological one. Our wills and characteristics are a matter of biological and genetic development along with environment and upbringing. He references “the law of thermodynamics”. Actually there are several laws of thermodynamics, but he’s probably talking about the second law. That has to do with closed systems, our planet is not a closed system as it receives energy from the sun. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, does not debunk Evolution The clockwork nature of how the universe works is not proof of god, it also has nothing to do with evolution. Some creationists say the earth works perfectly… we happen to be living on the earth when its a perfect balance for life. in the history of our planet, that is only a fraction of the time it has been around. i think theres a video on that in the playlist i posted above. I think its even MORE magnificent because I dont think we were created. I think its inspiring that physical laws fell into place such that we can live here, experience reality, understand it, and even reflect on what it means. The fact that the Universe is so expansive and lifeless, except here - it shows how special what we have is. This is our time. This is our life. Embrace what we have and help nature be better, dont trample all over it and call it gods plan. We can do so much more. we are one. For every sign of good design, theres another sign of lousy design: birth defects, harmful UV radiation, tornadoes, destructive tectonic activity (and the resulting tsunamis, etc), redundant DNA/RNA, vestigial organs and limbs, degenerating eyesight, wisdom teeth, nipples on male mammals, flightless winged animals, blind creatures with eyes, predatory/parasitic animals and insects, pelvises in whales and snakes, embryonic tails, heavy bones in flying animals, and a planet where 99% of all life has gone extinct (which seems hugely wasteful, no?). - See more at: thethinkingatheist/blog/83/Tell-Me-Youre-Joshing#sthash.cd2lwsHH.dpuf The tornado through a junkyard producing a car is a false analogy because evolution doesn’t start with everything and immediately produce something working, instead its an iterative process that picks and chooses the best allele frequencies, genetic codes, actions, etc that is most conducive to its environment as far as adaptability and survival. Maybe if 10000000000000000 tornados came through and eventually connected a lug nut to a tire maybe that would be an accurate comparison. The etymology of “universe” is actually “universe (n.) 1580s, the whole world, cosmos, the totality of existing things, from Old French univers (12c.), from Latinuniversum all things, everybody, all people, the whole world, noun use of neuter of adjective universus all together, all in one, whole, entire, relating to all, literally turned into one, from unus one (see one) + versus, past participle of vertere to turn (see versus). (from etymonline/index.php?term=universe)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:46:38 +0000

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