Dear Nashville; Were not playing capture the flag, and this - TopicsExpress


Dear Nashville; Were not playing capture the flag, and this isnt a game. You have robbed us of the truth; music with meaning and purpose. All the while, you have done your best to convince folks otherwise by feeding them lies and assuring folks what you give them is real , all-natural ingredients. Whats real is the sweat on the working mans brow; not the idiots who act like they know about it just cause the song they are singing that someone else wrote says: Im so country, I grew up bustin ass and stackin hay.... Yeah...right...and my name is Brad Pitt. The truth adds up; and these actors youve hired to play the part just dont. Beg to differ? Go ask that ol boy how many flywheel pins hes sheared on that ol baler he was using.....(Ill save you the trouble)..... none; cause he doesnt even know what a flywheel pin is. All the people who actually live the life style country music is rooted in know what real country music is; believe me, I know because Im one of them. We are tired of being lied to; and we want back the truth. If you wont give it back, then I guess, well just take back what is rightfully ours. Soooo...your only two options are: 1.Return what you have stolen and make things right Or 2.The truth will be had, your lies will be exposed, and your candy corn country cottage will go up in flames. Consider yourself warned, (The only one who seems to have a pair big enough to stand up and say what needs to be said) -JJ
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 23:09:16 +0000

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