Dear President Obama. This may seem funny to you with your - TopicsExpress


Dear President Obama. This may seem funny to you with your views on morals and principles but I feel that you have a right to know what I was taught as a child. Its a simple but effective line of thought. It is Play me for a sucker once, shame on you. Play me for a sucker twice shame on me You had your chance in my eyes, but you played your socialistic concepts to the full making it appear to all who have the intelligence to think things though, that you really did not care about the about the needs of the average American family regardless of their genetic make up. You hid facts from the people you claim to serve with the full knowledge that you were going to force many of the low income and middle class to give up their health care. This might of being your agenda all along because what better way to bring in a single payer heath care system if what existed has been destroyed or dismantled first because you need a way to con the American public into wanting it. Your next step for this to happen is the nationalization of all hospitals in the country because any business person knows the only expense you can control is wages. You will have to throw a min. of a dollar a gallon health tax on gasoline. Perhaps even legalize the sale of grass taxing it with a dollar a gram could be applied. then you would have to turn the running managing and upkeep of the hospitals over to the state, who know best what will work in their state. they could set up a flat universal rate for health care, and begin the negotiations with doctors groups and unions for fees and wages paid. So if this is your agenda go for it, get it started with the state of the union address in January of 2014. Become the man we all thought you were when you ran for the office of the president the first time. Maybe then I will give you a chance until then dont waste my time with your b.s.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:57:02 +0000

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