Dear Rabbi, I love Judaism. I celebrate the holidays and love - TopicsExpress


Dear Rabbi, I love Judaism. I celebrate the holidays and love spending time with my family. Isnt that enough? Why is belief in G-d so important? Aldous Huxley Dear Aldous, First, Aldous you should know that according to Jewish tradition there are 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) and belief in G-d while important is just one of them. So, if you are agnostic, dont feel that that should pull you away from the Jewish community. That being said, I think one of the greatest gifts one can possess is the strength to live according to ones convictions. While there are many people who say that they are agnostics or atheists, there are few that live according to that belief. Believing in G-d does not have to be connected to religious dogma. It can be as simple as understanding that there is a higher power in the world. If G-d created man, then he did so for a purpose. While one may not know at a particular time, their purpose, the existence of G-d means that there is a potential answer. If G-d does not exist, then the whole idea of a purpose is illogical. One could invent a purpose in order to get through the day. But, that purpose would have no connection to a randomly generated reality. The mind creates order, we look for structure and relationships, that mirror elements of theism. A life of randomness is not very fulfilling. The question is a great one and I give you a blessing that you will be able to find your own answer. Sincerely, Rabbi Sneiderman send questions to [email protected] or facebook
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:31:51 +0000

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